Across the Sahara Safari. Backworld Explorations' twelve-day tour.
Adar des Noras. Extension of mountainous Ahaggar Range in the Sahara Desert.
Adrar. City in Algeria where Hath takes Pitt and Giordino after they escape from Tebezza and cross the Sahara.
Air Afrique. French civilian aircraft emblazoned with light and dark green stripes. Used by UNICRATT to land at Gao and rescue Gunn.
Airbus Industrie A300. Kazirn's plane. A gift from Massarde. Electronically fitted as a military communications command center.
Air France Concorde. Supersonic jet Gunn takes back to Washington, D.C.after he is rescued by UNICRATT' at the Gao International Airport.
Alden, Captain James. Commander of the Brooklyn.
Algeria. Country in northern Africa that borders Mali on one side and the Mediterranean to the north. When Pitt and Giordino escape from Tebezza and ride Kitty Mannock across the desert, they end up in Algeria.
Ah, El Haj. Fourteen-year-old tribesman who rides a camel from his village of Araouane to see the railroad leading to Fort Foureau. He inadvertently mentions that the gates to the old fort are locked to security guards, who include it in a report that leads Kazim's troops to the fort.
Apache helicopter. Army attack helicopter Giordino and Steinholm come across in Mauritania. The airship is mounted with a 30-millimeter Chain gun, two pods of thirty-eight 2.75 rockets and eight laser-guided antitank missiles.
Aquifer. A geological stratum that allows water to penetrate through pores and openings. Pitt thinks the Oued Zarit is probably an aquifer.
Archival Safekeeping Depository. Near the town of Forestville, Maryland, it is the huge underground storage area that hides U.S. government secrets. The bodies of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan, her navigator, along with the Japanese records of their execution on Saipan, are hidden there along with other secrets such as the Kennedy assassination files.
Army Special Forces. Crack U.S. combat team.
Arsenic. Substance found in the blood of the villagers at Asselar.
AS-332 Super Puma. Helicopter Pitt and Giordino see on the ground when they meet the UNICRATT team.
A.S.D. Acronym for the Archival Safekeeping Depository.
Asselar Oasis. Village-oasis in Mali. Contains a sprawl of mud huts clustered around a well. Was once the cultural crossroads of western Africa. Located two hundred forty miles from Gao.
"Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe." The hit song Judy Garland sang in The Harvey Girls. Part of the conundrum Pitt sends to Sandecker.
Atlanta. Former Confederate ironclad ram captured by the Union. Patrols the river above Newport News. Rammed by the Texas. The only Confederate ironclad known to try to cross open waters. She was captured during a fight with two Union monitors on Wassaw Sound in Georgia. Later sold to the king of Haiti for his navy. After leaving the Chesapeake Bay for the Caribbean, she vanished.
Atzerodt, George. Alleged conspirator with Booth.
Austin, Commander John. Captain of the Onondaga Automated udcro-incubator. Device used by Gunn aboard the Calliope to test for river pollution.
Avions Voisin. French-made 1936 sedan owned by Kazim. A rose-magenta-painted car whose body is a combination Of Pre-World War "aerodynamics, cubist art and Frank Lloyd Wright. Powered by a six cylinder sleeve-valve engine that Provides smooth silence and simple endurance. The vehicle has unique door handles, three wipers mounted on the glass of the windshield, chrome struts that stretch between the front fenders and the radiator and a tall winged mascot atop the radiator shell. Has a Cotal gearbox. Kazim's belonged to the governor-general when Mali was a territory of French West Africa. Voisins were built between 1919 and 1939 by Gabriel Voisin.
Avro Avian 9. Biplane with an open cockpit and 80 horsepower Cirrus engine- First plane owned by Mannock.
Azauad. A barren region of dunes and nothingness in northern Mali.
Babanandi, Lieutenant Abubakar. Malian Air Force pilot who replaces real WHO pilot and lands the WHO scientists at Tebezza. Might be Djemaa.
Bamako. Capital city of Mali.
Batutta, Captain Mohammed. Malian Army officer who meets Hooper and the WHO group as they land at Timbuktu. Batutta and a team of ten men accompany the WHO team on their inspection trip in Mali.
Beecher, Clarence. Claimed to be the only survivor from the Texas. Gave a deathbed statement to a British reporter in a small hospital outside York. After the Texas sailed up a river, the level dropped and the ship grounded. Beecher and four others were selected to row down the river in a small boat and seek help. He was the only one to survive. Quite ill, he was nursed back to health at a British trading post, then given free passage to England. He eventually married and became a farmer in Yorkshire. He never returned to his native state of Georgia because he thought he would be hung for what the Texas did.
Benin. Country in Africa, the People's Republic of Benin. A tight dictatorship. President Ahmed Tougouri rules by terror.
Benue. River in Africa that empties into the Niger River delta.
Beretta automatic. Silenced handgun used by Levant in the liberation of Tebezza.
Beretta NATO Model 92SB. An older 9-millimeter automatic carried by Kazim aboard Massarde's yacht. Kazim wants to shoot Pitt with the Beretta, but Massarde stops him.
Beta-Q clearance. Level of government clearance once held by Perlmutter.
Bionic booster. Device Batutta uses to listen to the WHO search party's conversations.
Bock, General Hugo. Senior commander of UNICRATT. A former German Army officer, he is described as a born killer. Has great shrubs of gray eyebrows. Leads the group to liberate the prisoners at Tebezza and the defense of Fort Foureau. Resigns from the UN tactical team at the height of his reputation and retires to a small village in the Bavarian Alps.
Bordeaux. Code name for the operative who meets with Yerli to pass information to Massarde. Described as having slicked-down sandy hair with a razor part on the left side. Has pale blue eyes. He is the head of Massarde Enterprises' commercial intelligence operations in the United States. A Frenchman.
Bourem. City in Mali on the Niger River, where, nearby, the contamination from Fort Foureau enters the river.
Brooklyn. Union wooden frigate. Porter's flagship. Fights the Texas.
Brown, Neville. Confederate captain who made a deathbed confession to a doctor in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1908. He claimed his troops captured Lincoln and delivered him to the Texas.
Brunone, Captain Charles. Chief of security at Massarde's plant at Fort Foureau. A product of the French military establishment.
Burkina Faso. Country in Africa.
Calliope. Vessel Pitt, Giordino and Gunn use to travel up the Niger River. Described as a masterpiece of aerodynamic balance in fiberglass and stainless steel. Designed by NUMA engineers and built in tight secrecy in a boatyard up a bayou in Louisiana. Length is eighteen meters. Draws only one and a half meters of water. Powered by three V-12 turbo-diesel engines. Top speed seventy knots. Blown to bits by Pitt so it doesn't fall into Kazim's hands.
Cape Tafarit. Location on the Atlantic Ocean in Mauntania where the railroad track from Fort Foureau ends.
Catacomb. A subterranean cemetery for the dead. Pitt and Giordino find one at Tebezza when they are escaping. Giordino thinks there are more than a thousand dead bodies inside.
Chapman, Dr. Darcy. Chief toxicologist at the Goodwin Marine Science Lab in Laguna Beach, California. Briefs Pitt and Giordino aboard the Sounder. A black man at least twenty years older and slightly more than two meters tall. Has a doctorate in environmental chemistry. Used to play basketball for the Denver Nuggets. After the red tide epidemic is contained, he and Gunn are nominated for a Nobel Prize but do not win.
Chauvel, Sergeant. Female UNICRATT sergeant involved in the liberation of Tebezza.
Cheik, Colonel Sghir. Malian Army officer who is Kazim's chief-of-staff. Described as having a wedge shaped beard.
Chesapeake Bay. Large bay bordered by Virginia and Maryland. The Texas fights her way through the Union fleet there.
Chickasaw. Union monitor recently returned from Mobile Bay, where she pounded the Tennessee. Fights the Texas.
Chronosport dive watch. Type of watch worn by Gunn.
Clipperton Island. Island the French assume control over in 1979. Formerly used by the pirate John Clipperton as a lair in 1705. It measures about five square kilometers. Where Massarde hid the gold mined from Tebezza.
Cobalt. Mineral found in the blood of the villagers at Asselar.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poet who wrote "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner."
Colorado. Union ship that fights the Texas.
Confederation of French African Francs. Currency Pitt removes from the soles of his shoes to pay for beers at the bar in Bourem.
Conundrum. A riddle. Pitt uses a conundrum to explain to Sandecker which direction the group from Tebezza is headed.
Cooper, Gray. Actor who starred in the 1939 movie Beau Geste. Part of conundrum Pitt sends Sandecker.
Craven, Lieutenant Ezra. First officer of the Texas. Described as a big, brusque Scotsman who speaks with a peculiar combination of brogue and Southern drawl.
Crosby, Commander John. First officer of the New Ironsides.
Croydon, England. A suburb of London where Mannock began her flight. Dark-skinned man. After Pitt rescues Rojas from attackers on the beach, the dark-skinned man tries to torch Pitt's Jeep Cherokee. When Pitt stops him and begins to question him, he bites down on a cyanide capsule concealed in his false tooth and kills himself.
Davis, Jefferson. President of the Confederate States. Before he died, he claimed the gold from the Confederate Treasury was loaded aboard the Texas so he could form a government in exile.
Delta Team. Also known as Delta Force. A special unit of the Army's Special Forces.
Diatoms. Tiny plant forms such as algae that live in the sea. They create seventy percent of the new oxygen on earth through photosynthesis.
Digna, Mohammed. A young man no more than eighteen. He is tall and slender with a slight hunch to his shoulders. He has a gentle oval face with wide, sad looking eyes. His complexion is almost black, his hair thick and wiry. He attended primary school in Gao and college in Bamako, where he finished first in his class. Can speak four languages, including his native Bambara tongue, French, English and German. Attempts to rob Pitt and Giordino in the bar at Bourem.
Dinoflagellates. Tiny organisms that contain a red pigment that gives ocean water a reddish-brown color when they proliferate. The cause of red tides.
Djellaba. Long-skirted garment with full sleeves and a hood that Gunn fashions out of a bed sheet so he can pass through Gao unnoticed.
Djemaa, Lieutenant. Malian Army officer who impersonates the VMO pilot he replaces. Speaks English. His mother was from South Africa.
Djerma, Messaoud. Mali's foreign minister.
Donlevy, Brian. Actor in the 1939 movie Beau Geste. Part of the conundrum Pitt sends Sandecker.
Drewry's Bluff. Location on the James River that the Texas passes.
Ecureuil. The brand of late-model, French-built, twinturbine helicopter Pitt and Giordino steal from Massarde's yacht.
Egyptian Organization of Antiquities. Group to which Pitt turns over the coordinates of the location of Menkura's funeral barge.
El Alamein. Location of famous World War II battle. Site one hundred and ten kilometers from Alexandria, Egypt, where Rojas sunbathes.
Exotic organometalec compound. Substance Gunn believes is causing the red tide. He guesses it consists of an altered synthetic ammo acid and cobalt. He believes the synthetic ammo acid came from a biotechnology laboratory.
Fairchild FC-2W. Type of airplane flown by Mannock. A high-winged monoplane with an enclosed cockpit and cabin. Powered by a Pratt and Whitney Wasp 410-horsepower radial engine. Has a one hundred and twenty-knot cruising speed. A four-passenger airplane formerly owned by American-Grace Airways. Later recovered after it is missing in the desert. The plane is restored and placed in the Military Museum in Canberra, Australia.
Fairweather, Major Ian. Tour leader of the Across the Sahara Safari. Described as a tall, lean ex-Royal Marine. Originally from Liverpool, England. Smokes cigarettes. Only survivor of the attack on the tourists at Asselar, he wanders in the desert until rescued by a French oil exploration party. He is taken to a hospital in Gao. Later taken to Tebezza. Rescued by UNICRATT. Killed in the assault on Fort Foureau.
Falcon One. Radio call sign Batutta uses when calling Mansa from the cO's jet at Asselar.
Fisher M5X. Brand and model of metal detector used by The Kid Cussler.
Five-five-six French automatic rifles. The all-plastic and fiberglass general military issue rifles Pitt and Giordino steal during their escape from Tebezza.
Floyd Bennett Field. Airfield on the shore of Jamaica Bay, New York, where the NUMA jet carrying Sandecker and Chapman lands after returning from Africa.
Fort Foureau. Long-abandoned French Foreign Legion fort near the Massarde solar waste detoxification plant. Also the nickname of the Massarde plant. A dumping ground for nuclear waste.
Fox. Confederate blockade runner standing by off Bermuda to recoal the Texas for the second leg of the journey.
Fredricksburg. Confederate navy vessel scuttled at Drewry's Bluff.
French AMX-30-type tanks. Tanks used by Kazim in the attack on Fort Foureau. They fire SS-11 battlefield missiles.
Gao. City in Mali on the Niger River.
Gao International Airport. Main airport in Mali. Where Gunn hides as he waits to sneak out of the country.
Garland, Judy. Famous singer in the conundrum Pitt sends to Sandecker.
Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer. Device used by Gunn aboard the Calliope to test for river pollution.
Gashi, Seyni. The chief of Kazim's military council.
Gauloise Bleu. Brand of French cigarettes smoked by Massarde.
GeoSat. New satellite used by the United States.
Gowan, Sid Ahmed. Kazim's personal intelligence officer. The only officer on Kazim's staff who was educated in France. Graduated from Saint Cyr, France's prestigious military academy. Discovers the report from Ah and the guards that the gate is locked at Fort Foureau and alerts Kazim that the group that escaped from Tebezza might be inside.
Greenwald, Major Tom. U.S. Air Force officer assigned to the Pentagon. Analyzes the GeoSat film from Webster.
Grimes, Dr. Warren. Chief epidemiologist of the WHO project to find the source of illness in Africa. A New Zealander, he is an older man who is tall, heavy, with iron-gray hair and light blue eyes. Taken to Tebezza, later rescued by UNICRATT.
Hath, Ben. Arab truck driver who rescues Pitt and Giordino and takes them to Adrar.
Halverson, General. Commander of the U.S. Special Forces. Based in Tampa, Florida.
Hampton Roads. City near Newport News and site of the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac.
Hargrove, Colonel Gus. Commander of the Army Ranger covert attack helicopter force sent by the president to rescue the defenders of Fort Foureau. A hardened professional soldier, he has directed helicopter assaults in Vietnam, Grenada, Panama and Iraq. Has blue eyes.
The Harvey Girls. A movie that starred Judy Garland. Mentioned in the conundrum used by Pitt to communicate with Sandecker.
Heckler & Koch MP5. Submachine guns carried by the UNICRATT team that liberates Tebezza.
Herold, David. Alleged conspirator with Booth.
Heeling. A condition experienced by land sailors where the wind tilts the craft on two wheels. Similar to a sea sailor heeling his sailboat over.
Hoag, Dr. Muriel. NUMA's director of marine biology. Described as quite tall and built like a starving fashion model. Her jet-black hair is brushed back in a neat bun. Her brown eyes peer through round spectacles, and she wears no makeup.
Hodge, Keith. NUMA's chief oceanographer. Described as in his sixties with dark brown eyes and a lean, high-cheekboned face. With the right clothes, he looks as if he could have stepped from an eighteenth century portrait.
Holland, Dr. Evan. NUMA's environmental expert. An envirorunental chemist who looks like a basset hound contemplating a frog in its dish. His ears are two sizes too large for his head, and he has a long nose that is rounded at the tip. His eyes stare at the world as if they were soaked in melancholy.
Hopper, Dr. Frank. Canadian leader of the WHO medical team. Described as big, humorous, red-faced and heavily bearded. One of the two finest toxicologists in the world. Taken to Tebezza, later rescued by UNICRATT.
Houdini. New-generation American spy satellite.
Inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometer. Device used by Gunn aboard the Calliope to test for river pollution. Its purpose is to identify all metals and other elements that might be present in the water.
International Geological Institute. International body that assigns names to geological landmarks.
Invicta silencer. Type of noise suppressor used by Fairweather on the Patchett.
Jerome, Arizona. City where The Kid would go to hit his favorite watering hole.
Johnson, Andrew. Seventeenth president of the United States. Was vice president under Lincoln and became president after Lincoln disappeared. Was unaware of Stanton's plot. Was scheduled to be assassinated the night of the Ford's Theater incident, but the assassins bungled the effort.
Jolly Roger. The pirate flag flown by the Calliope after it leaves Niamey.
Kaduna. River in Africa that empties into the Niger River delta.
Kazim, General Zateb. True leader of Mali. His face bears the dark cocoa shade and sculpted features of a Moor. His eyes are tiny topaz dots surrounded by oceans of white. Has a sparse mustache that stretches off to the side of his face. Looks like a benign villain out of a Warner Brothers cartoon. Massarde pays him fifty thousand American dollars a month to operate the solar detoxification plant. Attended Princeton University.
Ketou, Commander Behanzin. Captain of the Begin Navy riverine attack craft that attempts to stop the Calliope.
The Kid. What everyone calls the prospector Cussler.
Kingsford-Smith, Sir Charles. Famed Australian pilot.
Kitty Mannock. The land yacht built by Pitt and Giordino from parts of Mannock's plane. They sail the yacht to freedom.
La Manche. Location of a French radioactive waste depository.
Land Rover. Sport utility vehicle used by Backworld Explorations.
Landsat. Older-model American spy satellite.
Lansing, Mrs. A Canadian tourist on the Across the Sahara Safari. Described as comely.
"The Last Time I Saw Paris." Song the blond-haired woman is playing on the piano when Pitt and Giordino board Massarde's yacht.
Levant, Colonel Marcel. Second-in-command of UNICRATT. A highly decorated veteran of the French Foreign Legion. A graduate of Saint Cyr, France's foremost military college. Described as having an intelligent, even handsome face. Thirty-six years old, he has a slim build, long brown hair, a long but neatly clipped mustache and large gray eyes. Is involved in the escape from Tebezza and the defense of Fort Foureau. Promoted to general, succeeds Bock as head of UNICRATT.
Lincoln, Abraham. Sixteenth president of the United States. Taken prisoner and transported aboard the Texas. Described as seeming older than his years. His face is drawn and hollow under a gaunt pallor, a man used up and exhausted by years of stress. Body discovered by Pitt aboard a gaunt pallor, a man used up and exhausted by years of stress. Body discovered by Pitt aboard the Texas. Later buried inside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Lincoln, Mary Todd. Abraham Lincoln's wife. Drugged so she was unaware of the deception at Ford's Theater
Madam, Dr. Haroun. Doctor who cares for Fairweather at the Gao hospital. Described as coal-black with Negroid features, deep-set ebony eyes and a wide flattened nose. A big, beefy man in his late forties with a wide square-jawed head. His ancestors had been Mandingo slaves. He was a major in the French Foreign Legion and educated and schooled in Paris.
Madeline. Nickname for the Vulcan gun used in the defense of Fort Foureau. Named after a girl whose favors the gun crew enjoyed in Algeria.
Mali. Republic of Mali. Country in northwestern Africa. Formerly known as French Sudan until 1960, when it declared its independence.
Malian Security Forces. Forces that question Fairweather and the French oil-prospecting team that rescues him. Later they kill the French.
Manhattan. Union monitor that fights the Texas.
Mannock, Kitty. Considered one of the three greatest female pilots. A lovely woman with deep blue eyes and black flowing hair that falls to her waist. She is the daughter of wealthy sheep ranchers outside Canberra, Australia. Aviatrix who set the long-distance record from Rio de Janeiro to Madrid in 1930. She is on a long distance flight from Croydon to Cape Town, South Africa, when she disappears. Crashes in the desert on October 10, 1931. Remains missing until Pitt and Giordino stumble across the plane's wreckage after their escape from Tebezza. From the wreckage of her plane, they build a land yacht and sail to freedom. Later, her body is recovered by an Australian crew and buried in Australia.
Mansa, Colonel Nouhoum. Malian Army officer who checks the passports of Hooper and the WHO team at Timbuktu.
Maffakech, Morocco. City in Morocco that was to be the last stop for the Across the Sahara Safari.
Marx, Gary. NUMA pilot of the research boat Pitt and Giordino use to locate Menkura's funeral barge. A tall blond with limpid blue eyes.
Massarde Enterprises de Solaire Energie. Company that operates a solar-energy hazardous-waste treatment facility in Mali. Actually an underground dumping ground for nuclear waste.
Massarde, Yves. Head of Massarde Enterprises. Formerly the head of France's overseas economic agency. His wealth is estimated to be between two and three billion dollars. Described as having blue eyes, black brows and reddish hair. His nose is slender and his jaw square. His body is thin and his hips trim, but his stomach protrudes. Nothing about him seems to match. Called the Scorpion because a number of his competitors and business partners disappeared. One of his ships carrying carcinogenic chemicals broke up in a storm off Spain four years ago and sank. Hodge thinks it was scuttled as an insurance scam. After the assault on Fort Foureau, Pitt and Giordino bake him in the sun, then give him water poisoned by the waste from his plant. He dies a horrible death in Tripoli, Libya.
Massarde's yacht. A self-propelled three-story houseboat that features a flat bottom for cruising upriver. Has a glass-domed spiral staircase that ascends from the spacious master suite to the heliport. Has ten sumptuous staterooms furnished in French antiques, a high-ceilinged dining room, steam rooms, sauna, Jacuzzis and a cocktail bar in a revolving observation lounge. Has a worldwide communications system. The design and shape remind Pitt of an old Mississippi side paddle-wheeler except there are no paddle wheels and the superstructure is more modern.
Matabu, Admiral Pierre. Chief of the Benin Navy. Brother of President Tougouri. Described as short, squat and in his mid-thirties. He commands a fleet of four hundred men, two river gunboats and three oceangoing patrol crafts.
Mauritania. Country in western Africa. The railroad carrying the toxic wastes to Fort Foureau runs east from Mauritania to the fort.
Melika. Female black straw boss at the Tebezza mines. Described as being built like a gravel truck whose bed is fully loaded. Her hair is wooly, and she has high cheekbones, a rounded chin and a sharp nose. Her eyes are small and beady, and her mouth stretches nearly the full width of her face. She has a cold look, enhanced by a broken nose and a scarred forehead. Served ten years as the chief of guards at the Women's Institution in Corona, California. Later shot and killed by Giordino.
Memphis. Ancient capital of Egypt.
Menkura. A pharaoh of the Old Kingdom. He reigned during the Fourth Dynasty and built the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. NUMA finds his funeral barge in the Nile River.
Mercedes four-wheel-drive. Malian military vehicle used by the WHO team.
Mirage 2000 delta-wing fighter. Planes Pitt and Giordino see on the ground when they go to meet the UNICRATT team.
Modified M-16 rifles. Weapons used by Gunn when the crew of the Calliope attacks the Benin Navy.
Monitor. Class of Union ironclad named after the famous vessel that fought the Merrimac. More than sixty were built, some as late as 1903.
Monteux, Louis. One of the French engineers who constructed Fort Foureau, was later imprisoned by Massarde at Tebe Moore, Frank Archivist-curator at A.S.D.
Morrison, Lieutenant. Lloyd officer in the liberation of Tebezza. In charge of Unit Four.
Mr. Periwinkle. Cussler's burro. Found roaming free in the Nevada desert eight years ago. Shipped by Cussler to Africa to help in the search for the Texas.
Mycerinus. Greek spelling of Menkura.
"My Darling Clementine." Song Cussler is singing when Pitt and Giordino first see him.
Nahant. Union monitor that fights the Texas.
Nelson, Ernie. U.S. agent who picks up Perlmutter in Forestville and drives him to the A.S.D. Described as a dark-brown-skinned African American.
New Ironsides. Union vessel with a conventional ironclad hull. Has a complement of eighteen heavy guns. Fights the Texas.
Niamey. Capital of Niger. Has a bridge named for John F. Kennedy.
Niccolite. A mineral often associated with cobalt. A common arsenic.
Niger. Country in Africa. The head of state is propped up by Libya's Muammar Qaddafi, who is after the country's uranium mines. Capital is Niamey.
Niger River. The third-longest river in Africa behind the Nile and the Congo. It begins in the nation of Guinea only three hundred kilometers from the sea. Flows northeast and then south for forty-two hundred kilometers before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean at its delta on the coast of Nigeria.
Nigeria. Country in Africa. Described as Africa's most populous, with one hundred twenty million people. The new democratic government was overthrown by the military, the eighth successful coup in twenty years. The country is torn apart by ethnic wars and bad blood between Muslims and Christians.
Nile Hilton. Hotel in Cairo where Pitt and Rojas have dinner.
Nile River. River in Africa that winds sixty-five hundred kilometers from its headwaters in central Africa to the Mediterranean. The only one of the great rivers that flows north. The Nile between Khartoum and the delta has more shipwrecks per square kilometer than anywhere else on earth.
O'Bannion. Chief engineer of the Tebezza mining operations. Described as a thin, towering man. His face is heavily scarred and disfigured from a premature dynamite explosion during his younger mining days in Brazil. Pitt places him in a mine shaft and blows off explosives, killing him by imprisoning him inside.
O'Hare, Angus. Chief engineer of the Texas. DLscovered by Pitt inside the Texas next to a page from his log book.
Onitsha. City in Africa on the Niger River across from Asaba.
Onondaga. Union Navy dual-turreted monitor. Has eleven inches of armor on her turrets and five and a half inches on her hull. Guns include two powerful fifteen-inch Dahlgren smooth-bores and two one hundred-fifty-pound Parrott rifles. Fights the Texas.
Organometallic. A combination of metal and an organic substance. What Chapman believes is causing the proliferation of red tide off the coast of Africa.
Oued Zarit. A legendary river that ran through Mali until one hundred thirty years ago, when it began to sink in the sands. Used to flow from the Ahaggar Mountains six hundred miles to the Niger River.
Paine, Lewis. Alleged conspirator with Booth.
Paleozoic upheaval. Phenomenon that happened during the earth's development that formed geological structures.
Palisades. Area above the Hudson River where Yerli meets with Bordeaux.
Patchett. A submachine gun used by Royal Marines. Fairweather uses one to try to fight off the savages who attack the Backworld Explorations tour. Shoots nine-millimeter one-hundred-weight-grain round-nosed bullets.
Pembroke-Smyth, Captain. UNICRATT officer who briefs Pitt and Giordino on the assault of Tebezza. Is involved in the liberation of Tebezza and the defense of Fort Foureau. Afterward, he is promoted to major and returns to the British Army. Awarded the Distinguished Service Order by the queen of England. Currently posted with a special commando unit. Drives a Bentley.
Pergamon. Code name for Yerli.
Peugeot 605 diesel sedan. French Air Force staff car Pitt and Giordino ride in to meet the UNICRATT' team.
Photosynthesis. Process by which plants create oxygen.
Photovoltaic energy. Process used to create electricity at the Fort Foureau waste plant. It uses a system of flat-plate solar cells made from poly crystalline silicon to convert sunlight to electricity.
Plutonium 239. Radioactive substance with a half-life of twenty-four thousand years.
Polaris. Star Pitt uses for navigation in the desert after the escape from Tebezza.
Polycythemia vern. What Hooper diagnoses killed the villagers at Asselar. Symptoms include a massive increase in red blood cells. It is as though the victims have been injected with a massive dose of vitamin B-12.
Port Etienne. Port in Mauritania where the train to Fort Foureau begins and ends.
Port Harcoun. A seaport on the Niger River in Nigeria.
Porter, Rear Admiral David. Union naval officer in charge of the Union fleet. His flagship is the Brooklyn. Described as thickset and bearded.
Powhatan. Union wooden-sided, old side-wheel steam frigate. Hit by a shell from the Texas that causes great loss of life.
President of the United States. A former senator from Montana. Described as long and lean. Speaks in a soft drawl and has blue eyes. Has a ranch on the Yellowstone River not far from the Custer battlefield. Was president when Pitt aborted the Kaiten bomb incident in Dragon.
Preston, Robert. Actor who starred in the 1939 movie Beau Geste. Part of conundrum Pitt sends Sandecker.
Pyramider. New-generation American spy satellite.
Quinn, Ned. Australian who leads the effort to recover Kitty Mannock's body and remove her plane.
Rapier. A new all-purpose weapon designed to engage subsonic aircraft, seagoing vessels, tanks and concrete bunkers. Can be fired from the shoulder or mounted in quad to a central firing system. Weapon used aboard the Calliope.
Rasmussen, Master Sergeant Jason. Army Ranger from Paradise Valley, Arizona. In the attack on Fort Foureau, he singlehandedly changes the course of history in Mali by killing Kazim.
Rat-faced Man. Assassin who, along with his partner, attempts to kill Rojas on the beach. Pitt kills him instead by twisting his neck.
Red flow. Microorganisms that threaten the world's oxygen supply. NUMA finds they cannot reproduce if a one-part-per-million dose of copper is placed in seawater.
Remington TR870 automatic shotgun. Weapon carried aboard the Calliope.
Renault truck. What the French oil-prospecting team that finds Fairweather is driving.
Richmond. Confederate Navy vessel scuttled at Drewry's Bluff.
Riverine attack crafts. Russian-built riverboats used by the Benin Navy. They are armed with twin thirty millimeter guns with a rate of fire around five hundred rounds per minute.
Robotic transporter. Mechanical device used at Fort Foureau. Look like squat bugs. They have four wheels with no tires, flat, with a level cargo bed. On the front, they have a boxlike unit that contains lights and a bug-eyed lens.
Rocky. Cartoon character Pitt claims to be when captured by Massarde's guards at Fort Foureau.
Rojas, Eva. Works with the World Health Organization. Described as having a firm body with slim, tanned limbs. Has red-gold hair and Dresden-blue eyes. With smooth skin and high cheekbones, she is age thirty-eight but could easily pass for thirty. Her family home is in Pacific Grove, California. Taken to Tebezza, later rescued by UNICRATT.
Ruins of Pergamon. Code message Yerli uses to reach Massarde's messenger in New York.
Sakito Maru. Japanese passenger-cargo ship that was carrying V-2 rockets to Japan when it was sunk by the American submarine Trout.
Saugus. A Union single-turreted monitor. Has twin fifteen-inch Dahlgrens. Fights the Texas.
Schoustedt Gradiometer. Instrument that detects iron by measuring deviation in the earth's magnetic background. Used by Pitt, Giordino and Perlmutter to locate the Texas.
SeaSat. U.S. satellite that monitors the world oceans and seas.
Second Division of the National Defense Staff. Division of the French government for which Yerli works.
Semmes, Admiral Raphael. Famous Confederate admiral and captain of the Alabama. Later commander of the James River Squadron. Described as having a heavily waxed mustache and a small goatee. With Mallory, delivers Lincoln to Tombs.
Seward, William Henry. Secretary of State under Lincoln. Was unaware of Stanton's plot. Targeted to be killed the night of the Ford's Theater incident, but the assassins bungled the effort.
Shaw, Stan. One of the NUMA crew flown in to replace Pitt and Giordino after Gunn pulls them off the Menkura Project.
Sikorsky B-76 Eagle. Type of helicopter that Hargrove uses. Pitt and Giordino are flown in it to meet with Massarde after the assault on Fort Foureau.
Smith & Wesson .38-caliber. Snub-nosed Bodyguard model revolver carried by Gunn in Gao.
Society of French Historical Exploration. The group Pitt claims to be working for after he is captured aboard Massarde's yacht.
Society Islands. Series of islands in the South Pacific where Pitt tells Giordino he thinks Massarde hides his money and gold. Some of the islands include Tahiti, Bora Bora and Moorea.
Sounder. NUMA research ship, one hundred twenty meters long and built at the cost of eighty million dollars. The vessel is loaded with the most sophisticated seismic, sonar and bathymetric systems afloat.
Southern Cross. Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith's airplane. Now on display at the Military Museum in Canberra, Australia.
Special Operations Command. Command of U.S. Special Forces, located in Tampa, Florida.
Special Operations Forces. Another name for U.S. Special Forces.
Stain-teethed Man. Assassin who, along with Rat faced Man, attempts to kill Rojas on the beach. Pitt shoots him through the temples with a spear gun.
Stanton, Edwin McMaster. Secretary of war under Abraham Lincoln. After Lincoln is kidnapped by the Confederacy, he forms a plot to fake the death of Lincoln at Ford's Theater and then have Vice President Johnson and Secretary of State Seward killed, leaving himself next in line as president.
Steinholm, Lieutenant. UNICRATT officer in the liberation of Tebezza. In charge of Unit Three. Described as a big, blond, handsome Austrian. Once drove in the Monte Carlo Rally. Drives from Fort Foureau with Giordino to bring back help.
Supreme Military Council. Malian group that is bleeding the country dry. Led by Kazim.
Surratt, Mary. Alleged conspirator with Booth.
Takir. President of Mali. A puppet head of state, as Kazim actually wields the power in Mali.
Takaidebey. Town in northern Africa in the former French Sahara where the French Foreign Legion has a post. The French Foreign Legion searches for Mannock.
Tamarisk shrubs. Plants that Pitt and Giordino hide the Voisin under when Malian search planes pass overhead.
Tanezrouft Desert. Location where Djemaa, after bailing out, crashes the UN Boeing 737 to make it appear the scientists were killed. Described as a huge, sprawling badlands with almost two hundred thousand square kilometers of bleak, grotesque wasteland broken by only a few rugged escarpments and an occa 412 signal sea of sand dunes. Pitt and Giordino have to cross the area to bring back help to liberate Tebezza.
Taoudenni. Location in Mali that has salt mines mined by prisoners.
Teach, Edward. Also known as Black beard the Pirate. Captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge. Name Pitt gives Kazim over the radio when the Calliope is making the run toward Gao.
Tebezza. Location of a gold mine mined by the prisoners at the penal colony there. Location Kazim orders Fairweather to take. He later orders the team taken there and imprisoned. The French engineers who built Fort Foureau, along with their families, are also imprisoned there.
Telit. Town in northern Africa that sends out searchers looking for Mannock.
Texas. Confederate Navy ship. Built at the Rocketts Naval Yard in Richmond. Specially constructed for a single voyage, she is one of the finest ships in the Confederate Navy. A twin-screw (propeller), twin engined vessel one hundred ninety feet in length with a forty-foot beam that draws only eleven feet of water. Her sloping twelve-foot-high casemates are angled inward at thirty degrees and covered with six inches of iron plate backed by twelve inches of cotton compressed by twenty inches of oak and pine. Iron shutters can be closed over her gunports. Mounted with four guns, two one-hundred-pound Blakely rifled guns mounted fore and aft on pivots and two sixty-four 413 pound guns covering port and starboard. Her machinery is brand new with the boilers lying below waterline. She has twin nine-foot screws that can push her through the water at fourteen knots. Leaves the pier in Richmond on April 2, 1865. Journeys to Africa with the Confederate Treasury and Lincoln aboard. Later runs aground in a river in the desert and is lost to time. Later discovered by Pitt, Giordino and Perlmutter. Removed from the, Malian desert and transported back to the United States. Now on display at the Washington Mall. Her crew was buried in the Confederate Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia.
Timbuktu. Fabled city in Mali that was to be the Across the Sahara Safari's next stop after Asselar.
Togo. Country in Africa.
Tombs, Commander Mason. Confederate naval officer in charge of the Texas. Described as ambitious and energetic and one of the finest naval officers in the Confederacy. He is a short, handsome man with brown hair and eyebrows, a thick red beard and a flinty look in his olive-black eyes. He commanded small gunboats at the battles of New Orleans and Memphis. He was gunnery officer aboard the famous Arkansas and first officer on the infamous raiaer Florida.
Tougouri, Ahmed. President of the Republic of Benin.
Trans-Sahara Motor Track. Road that leads through the Sahara Desert.
Traore, Lieutenant Moussa. Army officer who removed Mali's first president in a coup. Was then president. Overthrown by then-Major Kazim. Now a general.
Trastero. A nineteenth-century cabinet in Massarde's yacht office that contains communications gear.
Tuaregs. Tribesman who live in the desert near Fort Foureau. The men wear indigo veils around their heads and eyes. They speak the Berber language.
Tukulor. African tribe that speaks the Fulah dialect. The nurse who tends Fairweather in the hospital at Gao is a Tukulor.
UN Boeing 737. Plane used by the WHO team investigating the outbreak in Mali and western Sahara.
UNICRATT. Acronym that stands for United Nations International Cridcal Response and Tactical Team. The soldiers of UNICRATT are called "unicrazies" by other special forces teams.
UNICRATT All-terrain vehicle. Used in Gunn's rescue at Gao International Airport. Described as a maze of tubular supports welded together. Powered by a supercharged V-8 Rodeck 541-cubic-inch engine used by American drag racers. Has a wicked-looking six barrel, lightweight Vulcan-type machine gun manned by a gunner sitting slightly above the driver. Over the rear axle, another gunner faces backward with a 5.56 millimeter Stoner 63 machine gun.
United Nations Environment Program Organization. United Nations group that promotes the environment.
United Nations International Intelligence Service. United Nations organization that provides intelligence to the UNICRATT team.
Verenne, Fed. Massarde's personal aide. Described as a slender bald-headed man in his forties.
Victor, Dr. Marie. One of the WHO doctors taken to Tebezza. Described as a vivacious lady and one of the finest physiologists in Europe. Murdered by Melika, who beats her to death.
Virginia II. Confederate Navy vessel scuttled at Drewry's Bluff.
Wadilinski, Corporal. One of the UNICRATT team that liberates Tebezza.
Washington Arsenal Yard. Where the Lincoln conspirators were hung.
Watkins, Captain Joshua. Captain of the New Ironsides.
Webster, Chip. NUMA's satellite analyst.
White, Dick. One of the NUMA crew flown in to replace Pitt and Giordino after Gunn pulls them off the Menkura Project.
WHO. Acronym for the World Health Organization.
Willover, Earl. The White House Chief of Staff. Described as a balding, bespectacled man of about fifty. Has a large red mustache.
Winchester rifle. Lever-action rifle carried by Cussler.
World Health Laboratory. Located in Paris. Hooper explains to the Babanandi that it is where the samples are to be taken.
World Health Organization. Group headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, with which Rojas works. Part of the United Nations.
Yerli, Ismail. Coordinator and logistics expert for the WHO team looking into the outbreak in Africa. Lean, stringy and immensely efficient. His home is in Antalya, Turkey. Described as having a massive thicket of coarse black hair complemented by bushy eyebrows that meet over his nose. Has a huge mustache. Smokes a meerschaum pipe. Actually a French intelligence agent working undercover. Had an affair with Kamil. He was recruited by the French at Istanbul University.
Inca Gold
Adams, Frank. Senior editor at Falkner and Massey. Was Bender's editor. Age seventy-four.
Aldrich, Judge. The judge in Chicago from whom Pottle receives a search warrant for Rummel's apartment.
Alhambra. Passenger-car ferry that originally plied San Francisco Bay until 1957. She was later sold and used by the Mexicans on a run from Guaymas across the Sea of Cortez to Santa Rosalia. Taken out of service in 1962. Built in 1923, she was one of the last walking-beam steamboats to be built. In her heyday, the two-hundred-thirty-foot vessel could carry five hundred passengers and sixty automobiles. Her long black hull is topped with a two-story white superstructure whose upper deck mounts one large smokestack and two pilothouses, one on each end. The power train is a radial type similar to the old water wheels used to power flour and sawmills. Strong cast-iron hubs mounted on a drive shaft have sockets that attach to wooden arms that extend outward to a diameter of thirty-three feet. Vessel leased by NUMA for the expedition to find Huascar's treasure.
Allard J2X. One of Pitt's automobiles. His is a bright red 1953 model powered by a Cadillac engine.
Altar Desert. Desert just south of the Arizona border that the Mexicans and Zolar use as a staging area for the expedition to recover Huascar's treasure.
Alvarez, Admiral Ricardo. Mexican admiral who is alerted that Pitt has been rescued by the First Attempt.
Amaru, Tupac. Leader of the Shining Path terrorists at the City of the Dead. Takes his name from the last of the Inca kings to be tortured and killed by the Spanish. Described as short and narrow-shouldered with a vacant brown face devoid of expression. Wears a thick mustache and long sideburns. Has a thick mass of straight hair as black as his empty eyes. Has narrow, bloodless lips that cover a set of teeth that would make an orthodontist proud. Attended the University of Texas at Austin. After he shoots Miller in the City of the Dead, Pitt appears, puts his Colt .45 down his pants and pulls the trigger. After Pitt emasculates him, he reappears at the underground cavern. Pitt shoots him in the lung, then drowns him. His body is later found in the Sea of Cortez by the crew of the El Porqueria.
Amauta. An educated Inca who could understand quipu text.
Amphora. Jar or vase with two handles. Ortiz mentions divers occasionally find Roman and Greek amphoras in the waters off Brazil, bucking the idea that pre-Columbian civilizations did not visit the Americas.
Angel de la Guarda. Island in the Sea of Cortez.
Atahnalpa. Brother of Huascar. Son of Hauyna. Usurped his brother after a lengthy civil war.
Aztec Star. Zolar-owned modified crude-oil tanker used to smuggle stolen artwork.
Baffin CZ-410. Twin turbo-prop-engined sea plane used by Zolar International to try to locate Huascar's treasure. Most frequently seen in the Canada lake country.
Bender, Nichols. Journalist-explorer who published twenty-six books, including On the Trail of El Dorado in 1939. Perlmutter tracks down Bender, who is now eighty-four years old. Still mentally sharp, but his health is failing. He lives on a farm in Vermont. After talking to Perlmutter, Bender offers to Federal Express his journal which contains clues to the whereabouts of the Concepcion.
Bingham, Hiram. Explorer who rediscovered Machu Picchu.
Birns Oceanographic Snooper. Dive light Pitt uses when he dives the sinkhole.
Boeing 747-400. Large jet Zolar plans to fly Huascar's treasure to Morocco aboard. Micki Moore diverts the plane to El Paso, Texas, instead, where it is captured by American authorities.
Boeing Chinook. Heavy-lift helicopter. Can lift fifty troops or twenty tons of cargo.
Bolivia. Country in South America. Portuguese explorers reported they found a tribe in Bolivia with magnificent beards, contrary to the fact that most Indians lack abundant facial hair.
Boriego Springs. Springs near the Box Car Cafe.
Box Car Cafe. Cafe near the Mexican border with California. Built out of old Southern Pacific Railroad freight cars sometime around 1915. Where Pitt and Smith meet Clive Cussler.
Brunhilda. What Yaeger calls his computer terminal.
Burgundy topaz. Precious gem found in the second sculpture inside the cavern on Cerro El Capirote. The gem is not indigenous to the United States and was probably mined east of the "des in the Amazon.
Burley, August. NUMA's chief engineer aboard the Deep Fathom. Described as a powerfully built man with a portly stomach.
Cahuilia. Indian tribe that resides in Mexico and the United States.
Calexico. Town on the California side of the border with Mexico.
Caao de Lima. City in Peru. Founded by Francisco Pizarro in 1537, it quickly became the main shipping port for gold and silver plundered from the Inca empire. The last of the Spanish forces surrendered to Simon Bolivar in 1825 in Callao, and Peru became a sovereign nation. Combined now with Lima; the twin cities boast a population of six and a half million people.
Campos, Colonel Roberto. Commander of northern Mexico's military forces on the Baja Peninsula.
Cano Island. Island off Ecuador where Drake intends to bury treasure from the Golden Hind to lighten the load.
Canyon Ometepec. The Montolo village where Yuma lives.
Capac, Huayna. A great Inca king. Father of Huascar. Ordered an immense gold chain to be cast in honor of the birth of Huascar, which was later smuggled out of Peru.
Capital Concours de Breaux Moteurcar. Classic car show in East Potomac Park, where Pitt shows his Pierce-Arrow Berline with matching 1936
Pierce Arrow. Travelodge house trailer.
Carabiner. Used in climbing. An oblong metal ring with a spring-loaded closing hatch that hooks the climbing rope to the piton.
Carter, Howard. Famed archaeologist who discovered King Tut's tomb.
Caxanarca. Ancient Inca city.
Cenote. A deep limestone sinkhole.
Cerro El Capirote. Mountain where Huascar's treasure is buried. Capirote in English means a tall, pointed ceremonial hat," or what used to be called a dunce cap.
Cerro El Capirote sculpture. Sitting atop the mountain, it is carved after the legend of a condor laying an egg that was eaten and vomited by a jaguar. A snake was hatched from the regurgitated egg and slithered into the sea, where it grew fish scales. The beast was so ugly it was shunned by the other gods, who 422 thrived in the sun, so it lived underground where it eventually became the guardian of the dead.
Chachapoyas. A town in Peru fifty-six miles from the limestone sinkhole.
Chachapoyas Culture. A vast confederation of city states that encompassed almost four hundred square kilometers. The tribes were conquered by the Inca Empire around A.D. 1480. Known as the Cloud People, they were a pre-Inca civilization that flourished high in the Andes from A.D. eight hundred. The culture was highly stratified but did not have royal elite like the Inca. The Chachapoyan people were fair skinned with blue and green eyes.
Chaco, Juan. Inspector general of Peruvian archaeology and director of the Museo de la Nacion in Lima, Peru. Involved with the Solpemachaco. When the attack is bungled en the City of the Dead, he is thrown from a tilt-rotored plane into a potato field in Ecuador. He strikes the ground in the middle of a small corral, just missing a cow, and dies instantly.
Chiclayo. Town in Peru north of Trujillo to which Pitt informs the Deep Fathom he is flying. It's a fake, however, to throw off pursuers.
City of the Dead. Also known as Pueblo de lose Muertos. It is a magnificent lost city recently rediscovered by the Shining Path terrorists.
Colorado School of Mines. Location in Golden, Colorado, where Gaskill borrows a ground-penetrating radar detector unit to search the Zolar warehouse in Galveston.
Colt .45. Handgun made by Colt Arms Corporation. Pitt's was carried by his father in World War II from Normandy to the Elbe River and then presented to Dirk when he graduated from the Air Force Academy.
Colt Colt Commander. A 9-millimeter handgun used by Swain in the undercover stake-out of Rummel.
Corporation Estatal Petrolera Ecustoriann. The state oil company of Ecuador. NUMA steered the company to a natural gas find in the Gulf of Guayaquil. The company loans NUMA a helicopter to search for the Concepcion.
Cog Rafael. Police commandante of Baja Norte who is bought off by the Zolars at the price of ten million dollars. At age sixty-five, his career has spanned forty-five years. Described as having a square, brown skinned face. Has a wife, four married sons and eight grandchildren.
Cuthifl, Thomas. Sailing master of the Golden Hind. Originally from Devonshire, England. Later placed by Drake in charge of the Concepcion. When the Concepcion is swept inland in a tsunami, Cuthill survives and lives with the local Indians. He writes of the tsunami in a journal that Perlmutter later recovers. The journal gives the approximate location of the Concepcion, which Pitt and Giordino later find.
Cutting, Patty Lou. Name on the gravestone near the Spanish mission close to the Montolo village. Her date of birth and death are listed as 2/11/24-2/3/34. To those readers who wonder about the unexplained significance of this in Inca Gold, good luck. Clive is silent on the issue.
Cuzco. Location of the Inca capital.
De Anton, Captain Juan. Skipper of the Nuestra Ser7ora de la Concepcion. Described as a brooding man with Castilian green eyes and a precisely trimmed black beard.
De Avfla, Bishop Juan. A Jesuit historian and translator who, between the years of 1546 and 1568, recorded many mythical accounts of early Peruvian cultures.
De Oreftm, Francis. Spanish explorer who searched for El Dorado.
De Silva, Numa. Portuguese pilot whom Drake captures off Brazil and presses into service on the Golden Hind.
Deep Fathon. NUMA research ship. A state-of-the art scientific boat. Officially called a super-seismic vessel. Primarily designed for deep-ocean geophysicw research, she can also undertake a myriad of other sub sea duties. Her hull is painted in NUMA's traditional turquoise and white superstructure with azure blue cranes. She stretches the length of a football field. Her dining room is filled out like a fine restaurant, and the galley is run by a first-rate chef.
Demonio de Muertos. Also known as the demon of the dead. A Chachapoyan god who was the focus of a protective rite connected with the cult of the underworld. Part jaguar, part snake, he sinks his fangs into whoever disturbs the dead and drags them back into the black depths of the earth.
Derringer, micah'her. Weapon Sarason has strapped to his leg when Pitt appears in the underground cavern.
Diaz, Don Antonio. Original owner of La Princesa. A peon who struck it rich mining the Huachuca Mountains in Adona.
Diego, Captain Juan. Mexican captain who is informed that the guard post inside Cerro El Capirote is not reporting.
Diffusionism. Pre-Columbian travel to and from other continents.
DiMaggio, Anthony. U.S. Customs Service agent who tells Gunn that Pitt was picked up alive by the First Attempt Doc Miller's ring. Used by Pitt to identify the body he finds during his first trip into the sinkhole. The ring has a sixty-million-year-old piece of yellow amber with the fossil of a primitive ant inside.
Douglas, Arizona. City near the border with Mexico. Where Joseph Zolar has a hacienda.
Downing, Wick. Author of a paperback mystery novel that Stucky is reading aboard the Deep Fathom when Pitt calls over the radio.
Drake Quipu. Quipu that was taken in the cedar-lined jade box from the Concepcion by Drake. Holds the key to the location of Huascar's treasurer Lost when the Concepcion is washed into the mountains in a tsunami. Located by Pitt aboard the Concepcion Made from different metals, mostly copper, some silver and one or two gold. Appears they were hand-formed into wire and then wound into tiny coflue cables, some thicker than others, with varied numbers of strands and colors.
Drake, later Sir. Famous British pirate captain. Captain of the Golden Hind. Described as a beady-eyed gamecock of a man with dark red curly hair complemented by a light sandy beard that tapers to a sharp point under a long, swooping mustache. A gifted navigator and amateur artist. After returning from an around-the-world-cruise, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. Later served as admiral-of-the-seas, mayor of Plymouth and a member of Parliament. During an expedition to plunder ports and harass Spanish shipping in 1596, he died of dysentery and was sealed in a lead coffin and dropped into the sea near Portobelo, Panama.
Duncan, Dr. Peter. A U.S. Geological Survey hydrologist who dives into Satan's Sink with Giordino and confirms the underground river.
EG&G Geometrics G-813G magnetometer. Used by Pitt and Giordino to locate the Concepcion Einstein Museum of Renaissance Art Museum in Boston that has a fake Michelangelo statue of King Solomon.
El Centro Regional Medical Center. Hospital just north of Calexico where Gunn is taken after being rescued in the underground cavern.
El Porquetim. The unofficial name of G-21, a Mexican patrol boat. Means "piece of trash." A two-hundred twenty-foot-long modified U.S. minesweeper.
Estala, Maria. Last surviving member of the Diaz clan. Died at age ninety-four in 1978. Sold La Princesa to Zolar.
Estanque Peak. Peak in the Sea of Cortez that the Baffin circles.
EXO-26. Full face mask that uses an exothermic air regulator. Manufactured by Diving Systems International. worn by Pitt when he dives on the sinkhole.
Fairchild Museum. Museum in Scarsdale, New York, where Ragsdale recently solved a theft of Sung Dynasty jade Carvings.
Falkner and Massey. Publisher of Bender's books. Located in New York City.
First Attempt. The Hagens' fifty-foot oceangoing ketch Based in Newport Beach, California. Has a Capri-blue hull.
Fluorescein yellow with optical brightener. Dye that Duncan asks Pitt to toss in the underground river so the outflow can be targeted.
Foreign Activities Council. An obscure government agency that operates out of a small basement room in the white House. Tasked with carrying out the assassinations of foreign terrorist leaders. Once employed by Henry and Micki Moore.
Forty-millimeter rocket. People's Republic of China made. Fired from a Type 69 launcher. Used in the attack on the City of the Dead and the helicopter Pitt and Giordino steal and fly out to sea. One of the rockets, designed for hardened steel like tank bodies, passes easily through the body of the Mi-8.
Francisco, Corporal. Mexican corporal guarding Cerro El Capirote who is reported missing.
Fujimori, President. President of Peru.
Gadsen Purchase. U.S. purchase of the Mesilla Valley from Santa Ana.
Galapagos islands. Islands off South America.
Galveston. City in Texas on the Gulf Coast south of Houston. Location of the Zolar stolen art headquarters.
Grand Museum. Museum in Boston that was robbed in April 1990 of artwork valued at two hundred million dollars.
Gaskill, Davis. U.S. Customs Service special agent. Works undercover specializing in the smuggling of antiquities. An eighteen-year veteran of the Customs Service, he looks more like a football coach than a government agent. An African American, he has gray hair, and his skin is more doeskin-colored than dark coffee. His eyes are a strange mixture of mahogany and green. Has a massive bulldog head. Was once an all-star linebacker for the University of Southern California. Originally from South Carolina. Married for twenty years; his wife died from hemochromatosis. Has a getaway cabin on a Wisconsin lake. Lives in the town of Cicero outside Chicago.
Gato. One of the deckhands on the Alhambra.
Geographic Information Systems. Part of the NUMA supercomputer data bank Yaeger uses to help try to find the Concepcion.
Golden Body Suit of Tiapollo. Considered the most prized artifact ever to come out of South America because of its historic significance. A cast of the Chachapoyan general known as Naymlap. Spanish conquerors discovered Naymlap's tomb in a city called Tiapolto high in the mountains. The body of the suit is covered with hieroglyphics that give the location of the treasure of Huascar. The suit was stolen from the Museo Nacional de Antropologia in Seville, Spain, in 1922. The suit is later traced to Rummel's secret apartment in Chicago but is stolen before Customs agents can recover it. Originally stolen by Zolar's father, who sold it to a wealthy Sicilian mafioso who kept it until his death in 1984 at age ninety-seven. The mafioso's son later sold it to Rummel.
Golden Hind. British pirate ship. Formerly named the Pelican. Described as a stout and sturdy vessel with an overall length of about thirty-one meters (one hundred two feet) and a displacement tonnage of one hundred forty. Has eighteen guns. After a sail around the world, she returns to Plymouth on September 26, 1580, her hull bulging with spoils. Queen Elizabeth's share of the plunder in her holds forms the foundation for future British expansion throughout the world. The second ship to circumnavigate the world. For three generations, she remained on view in the names River until she either burned or rotted away to the waterline.
Granados. Mexican inspector Sandecker usually deals with. Matos tells Sandecker that Granados is working on a case in Hermosillo.
The Great Zolar. Name of a dumb kid in the eighth grade whom Giordino saw performing a corny magician's act at school assemblies.
Guaymas, Meidco. Location that is the starting point for the Zolar team trying to find Huascar's treasure. Located midway across the Sea of Cortez on the Mexican mainland side.
Hagen, Oaire. Wife of Joe Hagen. Described as having a face free from wrinkles and with breasts still large and firm.
Hagen, Joe. Runs a family auto dealership in Anaheim, California. Is fishing aboard his boat, the First Attempt, when he comes across Pitt and rescues him. Described as a big man with a well-rounded stomach.
Hedder & Koch. A 9-millimeter automatic Amaru uses to shoot Miller.
Hemochrometosis. Iron-overload disease that led to Gaskill's wife's heart attack.
Hidalgo, Lieutenant Carlos. Executive officer on El Porqueria. Described as tall and lean with a narrow face. He looks like a well-tanned cadaver.
Highway Five. Highway running from San Felipe to Mexicali.
Hunqueros. Tomb robbers. A local Peruvian term for the robbers of ancient graves.
Huascar. An Inca king who was captured in battle and murdered by his brother Atahualpa, who was in turn executed by the Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro. Huascar possessed a gold chain that was two hundred fourteen meters long and estimated to weigh twenty thousand pounds. It's worth today would be in the neighborhood of one hundred million dollars.
Huascar's Golden Chain. Coiled, it measures thirty-three feet in height. Each link is as large as a man's wrist. It is conservatively valued at three hundred million dollars.
Ilano Colorado. Village near Canyon Ometepec that has a mission church that contains a pure gold chalice.
Inca Highway Network. Highway that ran from the Colombia-Ecuador border almost five thousand kilometers to central Chile.
Inca seagoing vessel. Raft constructed of reed bundles bound and turned up at both ends. Six of the bundles make up one hull, which is keeled and beamed with bamboo. The raised prow and stern are shaped like serpents with dogs' heads, their jaws tilted toward the sky as if baying at the moon.
Inca weavings. Considered the finest in the world, they contain five hundred threads per inch as opposed to the weavers of Renaissance Europe, who used eighty-five threads per inch. The Spanish mistook the weavings for silk, so fine was the quality.
Incas. Ancient tribe of South America.
Iddium. Portable, digital, wireless phone made by Motorola and used by Gunn. Works off a satellite enhancement network.
Isla Bargo. Island in the Sea of Cortez that the Baffin flies over.
Isla Carmen. Island in the Sea of Cortez eliminated by the Zolar team in the Baffin as too large to be the island that hides Huascar's treasure.
Isla Cholla. Island in the Sea of Cortez that is skipped by the crew of the Baffin.
Isla Danzante. Three-square-mile island in the Sea of Cortez south of Loreto, flown over by the Baffin.
Isla Gruapa. Island in the Sea of Cortez that the Baffin flies over.
Isla San Ildefonso. Island in the Sea of Cortez that is skipped by the crew of the Baffin.
Jade box. Carved from jade with the mask of a man for a lid. The lid seals so perfectly that the inside is nearly airtight. Inside are multicolored tangles of long a huncords of different thickness with more than dred knots.
Jaguar/Serpent. What the Incas chisel using bronze bars and chisels on the island in the forgotten sea.
Jeep Grand Wagoneer. Pitt's example is a 1984, with a Rodeck 500-horsepower V-8 engine taken from a wrecked hot rod.
Jesus. One of the deckhands on the Alhambra.
Juarez, Enrique. The oldest Montolo tribal elder and one of the few who still remember the old stories and ancient ways.
Julio. One of Amaru's Peruvian guards who is selected to rape Smith. First, she claws his eyes out instead.
Kammer, Cindy. Wife of Sidney Kammer.
Kammer, Sidney. A high-level corporate attorney Rummel uses. The lease on the secret apartment below Rummel is in Kammer's name. He and his wife, Cindy, actually live in the posh suburb of Lake Forest and have never been inside the apartment they have leased.
Karst. A limestone belt that is penetrated by a system of streams, passages and caverns. What Duncan thinks is the underground river.
Kelsey, Dr. Shannon. Archaeologist who specializes in Chachapoyan culture. Funded by a grant from Arizona State University. Described as having straight soft blond hair and tanned skin. Has an hourglass figure with an extra twenty minutes thrown in for good measure. In her late thirties. Has big, wide hazel eyes under dark brows. Drives a Dodge Viper she bought with her grandfather's inheritance.
Kermantle communications and safety line. Thick nylon line with emergency release buckle that hooks Pitt to Giordino when he dives in the sinkhole.
Key West. Island in the Florida Keys and home to one of NUMA's research labs.
Lake Cahuilla. Ancient sea in the desert of California that dried up between A.D. 100 and 1200.
Lake Cocopah. Lake southeast of Yuma, Arizona, where a fisherman disappeared and later turned up in the Sea of Cortez.
Lake Salada. An area of wetlands and mud flats less than a kilometer from the border between the United States and Mexico in California.
La Princesa. Zolar's hacienda near Douglas, Arizona.
Las Tinajas Mountains. Inland mountains where Pitt believes Cerro El Capirote is located.
Library of Congress. Vast repository of information in Washington, D.C. Perlmutter does research on the Drake quipu there.
Lima. Capital of Peru.
Limestone. A sedimentary rock composed of calcium carbonate, a sort of blend of crystalline calcite and carbonate mud, produced by lime-secreting organisms from ancient coral reefs. The type of rock surrounding the sinkhole.
Logan Storage Company. Front company for Zolar's stolen art empire in Galveston.
Loreto. Resort town in Mexico on the Sea of Cortez.
Lost Horizon Era. Era from which Henry Moore explains the Golden Body Suit of Tiapollo comes.
Macapa. City in Brazil. The survey team that recovered Cuthffl's journal dropped it off there to the viceroy.
Madame LaFarge. What Pitt names the machete he uses to hack through the forest above the Concepcion.
Maderas, Commander Miguel. Skipper of El Porqueria. Described as having a round, friendly face under long, thick black hair. His teeth are large and white. He is short and heavy and solid as a rock.
Magdalena, Sophia. Wife of Don Antonio Diaz.
Magellan Strait. Strait on the tip of South America. Runs through what is now Chile.
Magic Castle. Pitt's answer to the radio call trying to establish the location of the stolen Mi-8.
Mandrake Pitt. What Pitt calls himself on page 109. After an old cartoon character.
Manta. Port city in Ecuador fifty-five kilometers from the wreckage of the Concepcion.
Manuel. One of Amaru's killers who is shot and killed by Pitt aboard the Alhambra.
Matos, Ferdinand (Fernando). Mid-level official with the Mexican National Affairs Department who meets with Stagger and Sandecker in Calexico. Described as bald and wearing thick horn-rimmed glasses with a black mustache exactingly trimmed. He is a tall, complacent man. On the Zolars' payroll, he is due to receive five percent of Huascar's treasure.
McDonnell-Douglas Explorer helicopter. Type of helicopter that NUMA borrows from the Peruvian national oil company to search for the Concepcion. A big red twin-engined craft with no tail rotor. Costs two point seven-five million.
Mesoamericans. Indians in Panama with whom the Incas traded.
Mexicali. Town on the Mexican side of the border with California.
Mi-8 assault-transport helicopter. Nicknamed the Hip-C by NATO during the Cold War years. A twenty-year-old ugly craft powered by twin 1,500-horsepower turboshaft engines. Can carry four crew and thirty passengers. Has a five-bladed main rotor. Giordino and Pitt steal it from the Peruvian mercenaries and fly it toward the Deep Fathom and safety. Top speed approximately two hundred forty kilometers an hour. Giordino sets his speed at one hundred forty-four kilometers to save fuel.
Michigan Avenue. Street in Chicago where Runnnel's office is located.
Miner, Dr. Steve. Archaeologist from the University Of Pennsylvania. Described as a tall, slender man in his sixties with a silver-gray beard that covers half his face. Helps Kelsey with the dive on the limestone sinkhole.
Tech MK1-DCI. Diver radio manufactured by Oceannology Systems. Worn by Pitt when he dives on the sinkhole.
Montolo. Indian tribe that resides in Mexico and the United States.
Montolo ceremonial artifacts. Ceremonial idols carved from the wood of cottonwood trees. Stolen by Zolar's men and offered for sale to Vincente, who turns them down. Later recovered by Pitt and returned to Yuma and the Montolo tribe.
Montolo ViDage. Where Yuma resides. Population of the village is one hundred seventy-six. The villagers survive by raising squash, corn and beans; others cut juniper and manzanita to sell for fence posts and firewood.
Montolos. Ancient cave dwellers who lived in the Sonoran Desert near the Colorado River.
Moore, Henry. Professor of anthropology at Harvard who has made pre-Columbian ideographic symbols his life's work. Zolar forces him to decode the etchings on the Golden Body Suit of Tiapollo. Lives in a condo in Boston. Described as aging gracefully with a slim body, a full head of shaggy gray hair and the complexion of a teenage boy. Worked for the Foreign Activities Council for twelve years as a political assassin. Doctorate from University of Pennsylvania.
Moore, Micki. Wife of Henry Moore. An archaeologist. Handles the computer end of the decoding of symbols with her husband. Lives in a condo in Boston. Described as a good fifteen years younger than her husband. Has a thin figure like a seventies fashion model, which she once was. Her skin is on the dark side, and her high rounded cheekbones suggest American Indian heritage. Worked for the Foreign Activities Council for twelve years as a political assassin. Doctorate from Stanford.
Moran. Director of the FBI.
Morganthaler, Jacob. Attorney known as Jury-rig Jake. Rummel hires him to try to recover his artwork that was seized.
Mr. Periwinkle. Cussler's burro.
Mysterious intruders. Described as having white skin, blond hair and blue eyes. They wear ornate embroidered tunics.
Nador. City in Morocco where Zolar intends to take Huascar's treasure.
National Heritage Museum. Museum in Guatemala that reported an eight-million-dollar theft.
Nuestra Seflora de la Concepcion. The largest and most regal of the Pacific armada treasure galleons. Displaces five hundred seventy tons. Extremely rugged and seaworthy, her gun decks hold ports for nearly fifty-four-pound cannon. Attacked and taken by Drake and the Golden Hind en route to Callao de Lima in March 1578. Later swept away in a tsunami.
Olmee. Ancient people who lived in Mexico about 900 B.C.
One-eyed Guard. Described as enormous with an entirely repulsive face, thick lips, flat nose and one eye. The empty eye socket is left exposed, giving him the brutal ugliness of Quasimodo. Starts to rape Smith but is stopped by Pitt. Pitt later shoots him in the neck and kills him.
Ortiz, Dr. Alberto. A Peruvian doctor with the National Institute of Culture in Chiclayo. Peru's most renowned expert on ancient culture. Described as a lean, wiry old bird in his early seventies. Has a long, flowing white mustache and bushy white eyebrows.
Oxley, Charles. Legal name of Charles Zolar. Described as having medium brown hair clipped short in a military crew cut. His cheeks and chin are closely shaven. Has shamrock-green eyes.
Patton Gordo. Engineer on the Alhambra. Has sleek, well-oiled hair as thick as marsh grass. Has brown eyes in a round face. Devoid of body hair and tattoos. Diminutive; his height and weight would easily qualify him to ride race horses. Married to Rosa.
Pembroke, Nathen. Retired Scotland Yard inspector who wrote a manuscript titled The Thief Who Was Never Caught, about the Specter. Pembroke is now in his late eighties.
Peruvian Investigative Police. Police force that shows up at the City of the Dead after Pitt and group along with their kidnappers escape.
Phony conquistador. Pitt finds a planted body in the sinkhole dressed like an old Spanish conquistador.
Pierce Arrow Berline. One of Pitt's cars. His is a twelve-cylinder sedan with a divider window and is hitched to a 1936 Pierce-Arrow Travelodge house trailer painted a matching shade of dark, gleaming blue.
Pike. A sharp-pointed spear used for fighting.
Piton. A metal spike with a ring on one end used in climbing.
Pizarro, Francisco. Explorer of South America who removed valuable treasures.
Pottle, Winfried. Customs Service special agent and second-in-command of the surveillance team led by Gaskill. Described as a slim, handsome man with sharp features and soft red hair.
Pueblo de lose Muerios. Also known as the City of the Dead.
Punta El Macharro. Also known as Macharro Point. On the Sea of Cortez two or three kilometers above San Felipe.
Quechan. Indian tribe that resides in Mexico and the United States.
Quetzalcoall. A feathered serpent that was the most important deity of Mesoamerica.
Quipu. An Inca system for working out mathematical problems and record keeping. A kind of ancient computer that uses colored strands of string or hemp with knots placed at different intervals.
Quipu-Mayoc. A secretary or clerk who works with the quipus to record information.
Ragsdale, Francis. The FBI's chief of interstate stolen art. Age thirty-four. Described as clean-shaven with black wavy hair and a reasonably well-exercised body. Has the handsome face, pleasant gray eyes and bland expression of a soap-opera actor.
Ramos, Lieutenant. Mexican lieutenant who is at Cerro El Capirote.
Rappeling. Descending a rope that wraps under a climber's thigh, across the body and over the opposite shoulder.
Rimac River. River that runs through Callao and Lima.
Rio Pitt. The name later given to the underground river beneath the desert.
River of Gold. What the legend of Hunt's underground river became.
Rodgersg Miles. Photographer who is shooting footage of the dive on the limestone sinkhole in the jungle. Described as a year shy of forty with luxuriant black hair and a beard.
Rojas. Chief of the Northern Mexico Investigative Division. Person sandecker usually deals with, but Matos appears instead. Matos tells Sandecker Rojas is ill.
Ruiz Bartholomew. Pizarro's pilot. Mentioned seeing large rafts equipped with masts and great square cotton sails. Other sailors mentioned seeing rafts with hulls of balsa wood, bamboo and reed carrying sixty people and forty or more large crates of trade goods. Besides sails, the crafts were powered by teams of paddlers. The rafts featured stern posts with carved serpent heads similar to the dragons gracing Viking long ships. Yaeger believes they may have been the ships that transported Huascar's treasure.
Rummel, Adolphus. A noted collector of South American antiquities who lives in a plush penthouse apartment twenty floors above Lake shore Drive in Chicago, Illinois. Described as a short, stringy man with a shaven head and an enormous walrus mustache. In his mid-seventies, he looks more like a Sherlock Holmes not the owner of six huge auto salvage yards. Unmarried and reclusive. In the 1950s, he smuggled a cache of Nazi ceremonial objects across the Mexican border and used the money from the sale to found a string of auto junk yards that netted him two hundred fifty million when he sold out. Became interested in South American antiquities in 1974 and began to buy from all sources, legitimate or not. Paid one-point-two million dollars for the stolen Golden Body Suit of Tiapollo.
Saint John. Radio call sign from the person who calls Chaco to inform him that Pitt has overpowered Amaru's group at the City of the Dead.
Saint Peter. Chaco's radio call sign.
Salton Sea. Artificially created sea in California made when the Colorado River overflowed the banks of a canal and flooded the desert floor.
San Felipe. Where the Alhambra takes off.
San Lorenzo. The large offshore island that protects Callao's natural maritime shelter.
San Pedro dePaul. A ship de Silva claims is the Golden Hind when they engage the Concepcion.
Santa Ana, Antonio Loper de. General and later president of Mexico. Deeded the land where La Princesa was built.
Sapa Incas. Inca supreme rulers who were encased in gold and used as objects in religious ceremonies.
Saporification. The process in a dead body whereby the meaty tissue and organs are turned into a film soap like substance. Pitt notices that the process is starting in the most recent body he finds in the sinkhole.
Sarason, Cyrus. Man who impersonates Doc Miller. Described as heavily bearded.
Satan's Sink. Sinkhole where two divers disappear. Their bodies later turn up in the Sea of Cortez. The sinkhole ties in Mexico at the northern foot of the Sierra El Mayor Mountains.
Sea Of Cortez. Also known as the Gulf of California. The body of water that divides Baja California from mainland Mexico.
Sedona. Town in Arizona where Pitt and Smith spent the night with the Pierce-Arrow.
Sendero Luminoso. Known as the Shining Path. A Maoist revolutionary group that has terrorized Peru since 1981. Terrorists who capture the group at the sinkhole and cut Pitt's Kermantle safety line.
Seville. City in Spain where the Concepcion is based.
Shang Dynasty. Twelfth-century Chinese dynasty. A museum in Beijing reported forty-five drinking vessels were stolen recently.
Sic parvis Magna. Drake's motto: "Great things have small beginnings."
Silver reflectors. Highly polished silver reflectors found inside the cavern on Cerro El Capirote. Sun striking the reflectors bounces from reflector to reflector, lighting the cavern without the smoke and soot given off by oil lamps.
Solpemachaco. What Amaru calls his group. A combination Medusa dragon myth that comes from the local Peruvian ancients. An ancient serpent with seven heads who lives in a cave. One myth claims he lives in the City of the Dead. Later, the Solpemachaco is shown to be the Zolar family, Sonoran Desert. The desert in Mexico on the border with California.
Sonoran Waterway Project. The project to use the water from the underground river for irrigation.
Specter. Infamous art thief who leaves a calendar at the scene of his thefts with the date of his next theft circled. Last-known theft was in London in 1939; the stolen art consisted of a Joshua Reynolds, a pair of Constables and three Turners. The Specter was actually Mansfield Zolar.
Stagger, Curtis. Customs agent in Calexico whom Pitt calls from Yuma's village. A veteran of sixteen years with the Customs Service. Described as a trim, handsome man with sharp features and blond hair.
Stewart, Frank. Captain of the Deep Fathom.
Straight, Dr. Bill. Head of NUMA's marine artifact preservation department. Described as a bald-headed, cadaverous man with a scraggly Wyatt Earp mustache.
Stucky, Jim. Communications technician on the Deep Fathom.
Summer. Pitt's one and only true love. Pitt met her during the Pacific Vortex affair. Mentioned on page 561.
Swain, Beverly. Customs Service undercover agent on Gaskill's team. A smart blonde, she was a California beach girl before joining the Customs Service.
Temple of the Sun. Temple in Cuzco.
The Thief Who Was Never Caught. Title of a manuscript by Nathan Pembroke.
Thomas. Director of the Customs Service.
Tiburon. Island in the Sea of Cortez.
Torres, Luis. Chief pilot and second-in-command of the Concepcion. Described as a tall, clean-shaven Galician.
Trujillo. City in Peru.
Twenty-man flotation unit. What the life rafts aboard the Mi-8 are labeled. Pitt tosses one into the rotor blade of an attacking helicopter, and it crashes.
Type 56-1. Chinese-manufactured assault rifles.
"Up a Lazy River in the Noonday Sun." Tune Pitt starts to hum after he finds the remains of the Wallowing Windbag and starts down the underground river again.
Valley of the Kings. Area in ancient Egypt. Location of King Tut's tomb.
Valley of Viracocha. Valley that contains the City of the Dead.
Valparaiso. City in Chile.
Vancouver Island. Island off British Columbia, Canada, that Drake and the Golden Hind sail to after leaving Cano Island.
Victorio Peak. Legendary peak in New Mexico where Spanish gold was discovered by civilians in the 1930s. The gold was allegedly stolen by the U.S. Army.
Vincente, Pedro. Drug dealer to whom Zolar sells the Chachapoyan artifacts taken from the City of the Dead. His cover is that he is a Costa Rican coffee grower. Owns the second-largest coffee plantation in Costa Rica. Described as having straight slicked-back black hair, partridge-brown eyes, smooth olive complexion and a sharp nose. His height and weight show a short man on the thin side whose age is forty-four. A fastidious dresser whose clothes look as if they come right out of GQ magazine. His ex-wife and four children live on a farm outside Wichita, Kansas.
Vincente's DC-3. Beautifully restored fifty-five-year-old cargo plane powered by two 1,200-horsepower Pratt and Whitney engines. Flown by Vincente from Nicoya, Costa Rica, to Harlingen, Texas, then on to Wichita, Kansas, to purchase the stolen art from the City of the Dead from Zolar. The plane began life as a commercial airliner for TWA shortly before the war. Vincente found the plane hauling cargo for a mining company in Guatemala and had it restored.
"Waiting for the Robert E. Lee." Song that Pitt claims he wants to hear when he surfaces from the sinkhole. Giordino has a mariachi band playing the song when Pitt is dropped off by the El Porqueria.
Wallowing Windbag. The specially modified NUMA Hovercraft that Pitt and Giordino use to travel on the underground river. Known as a water rescue response vehicle, it is ten feet in length and five feet wide. It has eight air chambers and features a four-cycle, 50-horsepower engine that can propel it at forty miles an hour.
Witchitau. City where Zolar meets with Vincente to sell him the artifacts from the City of the Dead. Vincente's ex-wife and kids live there on a farm.
Yuma, Billy. Native American from the Montolo tribe. A small man of fifty-five. Won a bronco-riding contest in Tucson, Arizona, and was once the fastest cross country runner in his tribe. He has a round, brown face with a strong jaw, straggly gray eyebrows and thick black hair. Drives a Ford pickup truck. His wife's name is Polly. He speaks native Montoloan and Spanish along with some English.
Yuma, Polly. Wife of Billy. A large woman who carries her weight better than any man. Her face is round anded with enormous brown eyes. Despite being middle-aged, she has hair as black as a raven's feathers.
Zavala. The one-hundred-fifty-year-old steamship that belonged to the Republic of Texas Navy. NUMA found the ship under a parking lot in Galveston.
Zolar international. Zolar's company. Its corporate jet is painted a golden tan with a bright purple stripe running along its fuselage.
Zolm, Charles. Brother of Joseph, Marta and Samuel. Tracked down the Golden Body Suit of Tiapollo and had it stolen from Rummel. Legal name is Charles Oxley.
Zolar, Joseph. Owner of La Princesa. A rich financier, antiquarian and fanatical collector. Described as having surgically tightened eyelids. Has a pinched, constantly flushed face that complements his thin, receding, brushed-back, dull red hair. He is somewhere in his late fifties. His body is small.
Zolar, Marta. Sister of Charles, Joseph and Samuel.
Zolar, Samuel. Brother of Charles, Joseph and Marta. Helps steal the Golden Body Suit of TiapoHo with Charles. Legal name is Cyrus Sarason.
Shock Wave
Adams, Marion. A convict and one of the survivors of the raft from the Gladiator. Convicted of stealing food from her master's pantry. She dies giving birth to a daughter named Mary.
Agusta Mark II. British-built type of helicopter Giordino pilots from the Dorsett yacht with Sean and Michael Fletcher aboard.
Aleksandr Gorchakov. Russian factory ship Gorimykin is based aboard. When he returns to the ship from a flight, Gorimykin finds everyone aboard dead from the effects of an acoustic convergence.
Ames, Dr. Stanford Adgate. Called the soundmeister by his fellow scientists, he is to sound what Einstein was to light. Once a trusted advisor to the Department of Defense, he was forced to resign after protesting ocean noise tests designed to measure global warming. Described as having a long, scraggly beard that covers his mouth and comes down to his chest and looking like a desert prospector. He is in his late sixties. If he hadn't gone into physics, he'd have entered the PGA tour as a professional. Wears blue-tinted bifocals. Helps NUMA come up with the idea for the underwater reflector that redirects the sound beam back to Gladiator Island.
Amy & Jason. Whaling ship that takes Dorsett and Fletcher's two sons as well as Adams and Winkleman's daughter, Mary, to Auckland, New Zealand, where they book passage on a ship bound for England.
Anderson, Dave. A cook for the miners on Kunghit Island. Described by Mason Broadmoor as a decent guy who drinks too much beer.
Angus, Lieutenant Samuel. Second officer of the HMS Bridlington.
Aqualand Pro. Type of dive watch worn by Giordino.
Argentinian Research Station. Located on Seymour Island. Pitt and Giordino visit the site by helicopter and find all the inhabitants dead.
Avondale, Lieutenant Commander Roger. First officer of the HMS Bridlington.
Bakewell, Dr. Charlie. NUMA's chief undersea geologist. A balding man who wears rimless glasses.
Basil. What Maeve calls the sea serpent that lives in the lagoon on Gladiator Island. Maeve classifies him as a mega-eel. He has a cylindrical body thirty meters long, ending in a tail with a point. His head is slightly blunt like a common eel's but with a wide canine mouth filled with sharp teeth. He is bluish with a white belly, and his jet-black eyes are as large as a serving dish. He undulates in the horizontal like other eels and snakes.
Ban Strait. Strait between Tasmania and the southern tip of Australia.
Baker, Admiral. Admiral with the Joint Chiefs of Staff who told Sandecker he could use the Enterprise.
BOFORS. A pair of the twin 40-millimeter guns aboard the HMS Bridlington. They open fire on the sharks feasting off the dead bodies of the crew of the Aleksandr Gorchakov.
Botany Bay. An inlet south of the present city of Sydney, Australia, that housed a penal colony where the convicts aboard the Gladiator were due to be imprisoned.
Brandsfield Strait. Strait near Seymour Island where the Polar Queen heads to ride out the storm as the passengers go ashore on Seymour Island.
Bridlington, H.M.S. British Navy Type 42 destroyer. En route from Hong Kong to England, the vessel picks up a Russian helicopter pilot who spots whales for the Russian fishing fleet.
Briscoe, Captain Ian. Captain of the HMS Bridlington. Described as having a precisely trimmed red beard.
Broadmoor, Irma. Wife of Mason. Described as a woman of grace and poise, stout yet supple. Has haunting coffee eyes and a laughing mouth.
Broadmoor, Mason. A member of the Haida tribe who lives on the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia. Carves totem poles for a living. Posey refers Pitt to him to assist in the investigation into the Dorsett mining operations on Kunghit Island. Described as having long straight black hair and a round face. Has coal-black eyes. His uncle was killed by the Dorsett security forces.
Bushmaster M-16 rifles. Customized assault rifles with noise suppressors carried by the Dorsett security forces on Kunghit Island.
C. Dirgo & Co. New York diamond brokers who estimated that the Dorsett mine on Kunghit Island could bring in as much as two billion dollars in diamonds.
Cadillac STS sedan. Automobile driven by the Dorsett security guards following Maeve. Has a 300-plus horsepower engine that propels the car upward of two hundred sixty kilometers an hour. Pitt loses them in the Allard.
Callahan, Steve. A yachtsman who survived seventy-six days at sea after his sloop sank off the Canary Islands, the longest record for one man in an inflatable raft.
Calvert, Irene. Former wife of Arthur Dorsett. Daughter of a professor of biology at the University of Melbourne. Committed suicide. Was walking along the cliffs of Gladiator Island with her husband when she fell to her death in the surf below. Maeve thinks she was murdered by Arthur Dorsett.
Cape Farewell. The cape on the tip of New Zealand's South Island. The Dorsett yacht passes it after the security people capture Pitt, Giordino and Fletcher.
Carlisle, Abner. One of the partners who owns Carlisle & Dunhill. A thin, wiry man who is completely bald. He has kindly eyes and walks with a noticeable limp caused by a fall from a horse when he was younger. A respected shipping magnate. Besides his shipping company, he also owns a mercantile business and a bank. Scaggs calls Carlisle to his deathbed and explains to him the true story of the wreck of the Gladiator, then asks him to have the diamonds sent by Betsy Dorsett appraised.
Carlisle & Dunhill. The shipping company that owned the Gladiator and employed Scaggs.
Cassidy, Adndral George. Commanding officer of the San Francisco Naval District who remands the orders . . giving Sandecker the use of the Enterprise.
The Castle. A group of rocks above the cliffs on Gladiator Island where there is a guard station.
Center for Disease Control. The branch of the world organization located in Melbourne, Australia, concludes that the deaths aboard the Polar Queen were caused by a rare form of bacterium similar to the one that causes Legionnaire's disease.
Central Selling Organization. The body the South African diamond cartel uses to sell its diamonds.
Chinook Cargo Carriers. The company featured on the side of the strawberry-red float plane that Pitt flies aboard to Kunghit Island.
Chirikof Island. Island near the Aleutians where three thousand sea lions and five fishermen are killed by the acoustic waves.
Cochran, Thomas. The Gladiator's carpenter. Survives the raft and lands on the island, later leaves with Scaggs and returns to England. Prefers the company of men. Dies when the Zanzibar sinks in the South China Sea in 1867.
Colored gemstones. Dorsett Consolidated controls eighty percent of the world market. Including rubies, emeralds, sapphires, topaz, tourmaline and amethyst along with tsavorite, red beryl or red emerald and the Mexican fire opal.
Commodore Island (Komnndorskiye Ostrova).. Island off the Commonwealth of Independent States that is one corner of the Acoustic Convergence. Located off the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Bering Sea.
Converse Garret. Hollywood actor and box-office action hero. Aboard his ship, the Tz'u-hsi, when it is hit by an acoustic wave.
Cross-shaft. A method of determining latitude devised by the ancient mariners. With one end of a shaft held to the eye, a crosspiece is calibrated by sliding it back and forth until one end fits exactly between either the star or sun and the horizon. The angle of latitude is then read on notches carved on the staff. Once the angle is established, the mariner is able by crude reckoning to establish a rough latitude without using published tables for reference.
Crutcher. One of the Dorsett security guards on Kunghit Island. Described as a cold-faced, arrogant young man of no more than twenty-six or twenty-seven.
Dancing Dorothy. The Bermuda ketch found by Pitt, Giordino and Fletcher on the Tits. Her upperworks are painted a light blue with orange undersides. Was owned by Rodney York, who wrecked her on the rocks off the Tits.
Danger Islands. Three small islands that are little more than pinnacles of exposed rocks near mainland Antarctica. They lie near the Drake Passage. Site where Pitt finds the Polar Queen and saves it from destruction on the rocks.
De Beers. The famous South African diamond cartel. Named for the South African farmer who sold his diamond-laden lands to Cecil Rhodes for a few thousand dollars.
De Havilland Beaver. Type of bush plane in which Stokes flies Pitt to Kunghit Island. The plane was built in 1967. Features a Pratt and Whitney R-985 Wasp engine with 450 horsepower.
Deep Abyss Engineering. Undersea exploration company that hosts the party where Maeve Fletcher is reunited with Pitt. Also the company that leases the Glomar Explorer to NUMA.
Dempsey, Paul. Captain of the Ice Hunter. Dempsey grew up on a ranch on the Wyoming-Montana border and ran away to sea after graduating from high school and worked on the fishing boats out of Kodiak, Alaska. Later became a captain on an ice-breaking salvage tug. When the salvage company he worked for became debt-ridden, he was hired by NUMA. He is described as broad-shouldered and thick-waisted, habitually standing with his legs wide set. Gray-haired and clean-shaven with a briar pipe perpetually jutting from the corner of his mouth.
Diamonds. Stones that formed the basis of the vast Dorsett fortune. Merely crystallized carbon, they are chemically the sisters to graphite and coal. Arthur Dorsett claims their only practical application is that they happen to be the hardest substance known to man, and that alone makes them essential for the machining of metals and drilling through rock. The word diamond comes from the Greek and means "indomitable." The Greeks and later the Romans wore them as protection from wild beasts and human enemies. The first diamond engagement ring was given by Archduke Ferdinand of Austria to Mary of Burgundy in 1477. The notion of a diamond engagement ring did not take hold until the late 1800s.
Dorsett, Anson. Son of Charles Dorsett and Mary Winkleman. Grandfather of Arthur Dorsett. Died in 1910.
Dorsett, Arthur. Maeve and Deirdre's father. Head of a diamond empire second only to De Beers and the sixth-richest man in the world. Chairman of Dorsett Consolidated Mining Limited. A recluse. Only child of Henry and Charlotte Dorsett. Born on Gladiator Island in 1941. At the age of eighteen, he entered the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. After graduating with a degree as a mining engineer, he worked for De Beers in South Africa for five years. Was married to the former Irene Calvert. A giant of a man with the hairy muscular build of a professional wrestler. Has coarse and wiry sandy-colored hair. His face is ruddy and as fierce as the black eyes that stare from beneath heavy, scraggly brows. His skin is rough and tanned by long days in the sun. A huge mustache curls downward past the corners of lips that are constantly stretched open like a moray eel's revealing teeth yellowed from long years of pipe smoking. When Pitt meets him, he notices Arthur has weathered lines in his face and rough, scarred hands. His mustache is long and scraggly, and his teeth look like the ivory keys of an old piano, yellowed and badly chipped. Before being set adrift in Marvelous Maeve, Pitt uses his thumb to poke out Arthur's eye. On Gladiator Island, Pitt shoots off the tip of his ear, smashes and breaks his shinbone with a floor lamp, then crushes his windpipe with the soles of his shoes, killing him.
Dorsett, Boudicca. Sister of Maeve and Deirdre. Described by Maeve as the devil incarnate. Age thirty eight. Far taller than her sisters, with black eyes and a flood of reddish-blond hair that falls to her hips. She has definite underlying masculine qualities. Known as "The Emasculator." Maeve claims not to know her well, as she is eleven years older. Said to favor handsome young men and to sleep around. Giordino fights her, then crushes her neck and chokes the life out of her. After lifting her silk robe, he finds out she is a man.
Dorsett, Charles. One of the two sons of Betsy Fletcher and Jess Dorsett. Educated at Cambridge in England. Later married Mary Winkleman.
Dorsett, Demi. Sister of Maeve Fletcher. Discovered by Pitt still alive aboard the Polar Queen. Described as having wide brown eyes and a flawless facial complexion with an unmistakable pallor and just a hint of gauntness. Her hair is the color of red copper, and she has the high cheekbones and sculpted lips of a fashion model. Hired to sing and play piano aboard the Polar Queen. Thirty-one years old. Was once married to a professional soccer player, but after he wanted a divorce and a large property settlement, he conveniently fell from a Dorsett family yacht to his death. Pitt charges her aboard the Dorsett yacht at Gladiator Island after she shoots him, and he snaps her spine in three places.
Dorsett, Henry. Son of Anson Dorsett. Brother of Mildred Dorsett.
Dorsett, Jess. Notorious highwayman who is being sent to Australia aboard the Gladiator. A fashionable dresser who has every hair on his head fastidiously in place. He is described as six feet four inches tall with long copper-red hair. His head is long-nosed, with high cheekbones and a heavy jaw. Married Betsy Fletcher on Gladiator Island. Later died when a sudden squall upset his fishing boat.
Dorsett, Jess Jr. One of the two sons of Betsy Fletcher and Jess Dorsett. Educated at Cambridge in England along with his brother Charles.
Dorsett, Mildred. Daughter of Anson Dorsett. Sister of Henry Dorsett.
Dorsett Consolidated Mining Limited. Based in Sydney, Australia, and owned by the Dorsett family, it is second only to De Beers as the world's largest diamond producer.
Dorsett Headquarters. A Trump Towers-like building in Sydney, Australia, paid for in cash. Arthur Dorsett's office is a gigantic vault with a steel door and walls two meters thick. Hundreds of precious stones are displayed in black velvet cases, and the estimated worth of the stones is one-point-two billion dollars. His desk is a huge monstrosity of polished lava rock with mahogany drawers.
Dorsett manor house. Built and designed by Anson Dorsett, who tore down the original log structure topped by a palm frond roof. The style is based on a classic layout-a central courtyard surrounded by verandas from which doors open into thirty rooms, all furnished in English colonial antiques. The only visible modern conveniences are a large satellite dish rising from a luxuriant garden and a modern swimming pool in the center courtyard.
Dorsett Rose. A D-grade flawless diamond with tremendous luster that was discovered by a Chinese worker at the Gladiator Island mine in 1908. Weighed 1,130 carats before cutting. Weighed 620 carats after. Double-rose cut in ninety-eight facets to bring out the brilliance. Arthur Dorsett has it inside his office.
Dorsett yacht. Wilbanks estimates the length to be somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty meters with a beam of about ten meters. Probably powered by a pair of Blitzen Sea storm turbo diesels, most likely BAD 98s, which combined would produce more than 2,500 horsepower. Estimated cruising speed is in the neighborhood of seventy knots. A sleek sports cruiser with twin hulls and a smooth rounded design. Built by Jusserand Marine in Cherbourg, France. Has a sapphire-blue hull. Merchant later discloses that the yacht has four turbocharged diesel engines connected to water jets that produce a total of 18,000 horsepower and enable the eight-ton craft to cruise at one hundred and twenty kilometers an hour. The yacht has Casale V-drives.
Dunhill,Alexander. One of the partners who own Carlisle & Dunhill.
Duo 300 WetJets. Type of personal watercraft owned by Mason Broadmoor made by Master craft Boats. The craft feature a V-hull and a high-torque, modified big bore long-stroke engine with a variable-pitch impeller. Their estimated top speed is close to sixty knots.
Duse Bay. Location of a British research station where the survivors of the Polar Queen are to be transferred. From there, they are to take a jet to Sydney, Australia.
Easter Island (Isla de Pascua). Island off South America that is one corner of the Acoustic Convergence.
Elmo. One of the sadistic security guards at the Kunghit Island mine. Pitt punches him when he first escapes from Kunghit Island with Stokes. He later smashes a rifle muzzle into Pitt's stomach.
Environment Canada. The Canadian equivalent of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Located in the Ottawa city of Hull.
The Executioner. A great white shark estimated to be twenty-two to twenty-four feet in length that circles the raft from the Gladiator, eating those who fall into the water.
Faraday, Molly. NUMA's intelligence agency coordinator. A former analyst with the National Security Agency who joined NUMA at Sandecker's request. Described as having soft toffee-colored hair and brown eyes. She is all class. In her forties.
Ferguson, Jack. The superintendent of the Dorsett mines. Dorsett has him baby-sit the Fletcher twins.
Fletcher, Betsy. Convicted of stealing a blanket for her sick father, she is aboard the Gladiator when the typhoon hits. From a small village in Cornwall, she was arrested in Falmouth. Described as nearly as tall as most men. Her legs are long and smooth, and she has a narrow waist and a nicely shaped bosom. She was waist-length yellow hair that is well brushed and eyes as blue as an alpine lake. Married Dorsett on Gladiator Island. Later dies from a stomach malady.
Fletcher, Maeve. Described as towering above most women and taller than most men. Her hair, which she braids into twin pigtails, is as yellow as a summer iris. She has eyes as blue as the deep sea and a strong face with high cheekbones. She has a warm smile that reveals a tiny gap in her front teeth. She is three years shy of thirty and has a master's degree in zoology. She was halfway through her doctoral dissertation at the University of Melbourne when she took a job as a naturalist with Rupert & Saunders to earn extra money. She has two sisters. Her mother committed suicide when Maeve was twelve years old. She has twin six-year-old sons named Sean and Michael, from an affair with the son of a sheep rancher she met at college. Age twenty-seven. Shot by her sister Deirdre on the Dorsett yacht at Gladiator Island, she dies in Pitt's arms.
Fletcher, Sean and Michael. Twin six-year-old sons of Maeve Fletcher. After she is killed, they are united with their father. They later inherit Dorsett Consolidated and the Dorsett fortune.
Ghoster. A sailing ship that needs very little wind to sail.
Gladiator. Clipper ship built in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1854. Owned by Carlisle & Dunhill of Inverness and captained by "Bully" Scaggs. Her measurements are 1,256 tons, one hundred ninety-eight feet in length, with a thirty-four-foot beam. A ghoster, she can sail on the barest breath of wind. She has three masts. She is fitted out by her owners for the Australian trade, but it is found she can make more money hauling convicts. Sets the England-to-Australian sailing record, a record that still stands, by making the run in sixty-three days. During her last voyage, she makes an incredible twenty-four-hour run of four hundred, thirty-nine miles. On that last voyage, she holds a total of two hundred thirty-one the hundred ninety-two convicts, eleven soldiers and twenty-eight in the crew. Wrecked in the great typhoon of 1856 in the Tasman Sea.
Gladiator Island. Island where the raft of the Gladiator lands. Later forms one corner of the Acoustic Convergence. Described as the exposed tip of a deep ocean range of volcanic mountains that surfaces midway between Tasmania and New Zealand's South Island. Privately owned by the Dorsett family.
Glomar Explorer. Deep-sea salvage vessel built by the CIA, Global Marine and Howard Hues in the 1970s. The ship is two hundred twenty-eight meters long with a twenty-three-story derrick rising in the middle. The vessel has a helicopter pad, and the high bridge superstructure sits on the stern. The raised house on the forecastle shows no sign of ports, only a row of skylight like windows across the front. The hull is faded, chipped and rusted but is painted a marine blue with a white superstructure. The ship originally was proposed by Davis Packard of Hewlett-Packard fame while he was deputy director of defense. Based on an earlier design by Willard Bascom called the Alcoa Sea probe. Built in secrecy in a fast forty-one months at the Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company in Chester, Pennsylvania, and launched in the fall of 1972. Became famous for raising an entire Russian Golf-class submarine from a depth of five kilometers in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. After that, no one knew quite what to do with the ship, and she was mothballed in the backwaters of Suisun Bay northeast of San Francisco. Five months ago, she was leased to Deep Abyss Engineering to mine copper and manganese two hundred kilometers south of the Hawaiian Islands. The vessel is chartered by Sandecker to drop the underwater reflector off Hawaii.
Gorimykin, Fyodor. Chief pilot in command of locating whales for a Russian whaling fleet from the port of Nikolayevsk. Lands his helicopter on the HMS Bridlingtom Gorman, Otis. Surgeon-superintendent assigned to the Gladiator. Tends to the prisoners' general health. A compassionate man.
Greenberg, Dr. Moses. Ship's doctor aboard the Ice Hunter. Described as tall and slender, he wears his dark brown hair in a ponytail. He has twinkling blue gray eyes.
Gulfstream V. Type of jet in the hangar on Kunghit Island. The latest development in business jets, it is spacious with a cabin tall enough for most men to stand up inside. Capable of cruising nine hundred twenty-four kilometers an hour at an altitude of just under eleven thousand meters with a range of sixty three hundred nautical miles. Powered by a pair of turbofan engines built by BMW and Rolls-Royce. Costs upwards of thirty-three million dollars.
Halawa Bay. The harbor on the island of Molokai where the Lanikai delivers the reflector to the Glomar Explorer.
Halley Bay. Site of the British station on Seymour Island.
Harbor Tours. Name painted on the side of the Toyota van that picks up Pitt, Fletcher and Giordino in Wellington.
Haynes, Trevor. First officer of the Polar Queen. Described as quiet and quite handsome.
Heinklemann Specialty Boat Builders. Boat constructor in Kiel, Germany, which Wilbanks mentions as a possible builder of the Dorsett yacht. It turns out not to be the case, however. An engineer from the firm has spotted the boat in Monaco nine months prior and alerts Wilbanks to the true builder.
Herradura Silver Tequila. Tequila Pitt drinks on the Dorsett yacht when he is first introduced to Boudicca.
Holden Automobiles. Australian-made automobiles that are on Gladiator Island. They are painted a bright yellow and are customized by having all the doors removed for easy entry and exit.
Hollender. Name of the teacher and his wife in Perth who care for Maeve's sons until they are taken by her evil father and returned to Gladiator Island.
House of Dorseft. Chain of nearly five hundred retail jewelry stores owned by the Dorsett family that sells the gemstones produced by Dorsett Consolidated Mining Limited.
Howard Hughes. Reclusive billionaire who, along with the CIA, built the Glomar Explorer.
Hudson, George. Second officer of the Rio Grande.
Huggins, Jake. A convict on the Gladiator. Called the murdering Welshman. Described as short and squat with a barrel chest. He has long, matted, sandy hair, an extremely large flattened nose and an enormous mouth with missing and blackened teeth, which combine to give him a hideous leer. Leads the attack on the crew of the Gladiator when they are aboard the raft. After he attacks Dorsett, he slits his throat.
Hutton, Wilbur. The U.S. president's chief of staff. Described as a man not easily intimidated, as big and beefy as a Saturday night arena wrestler. He keeps his thinning blond hair carefully trimmed in a crew cut. His head and face are colored like an egg dyed red, and his limpid smoke-blue eyes always stay fixed ahead. A graduate of Arizona State University with a doctorate in economics from Stanford, he is known to be testy with anyone who brags of coming from an Ivy League college. He enlisted and was an infantryman in the Army and served in the Gulf War.
Ice Hunter. NUMA research vessel. No mere garden variety research ship, she was designed entirely by computers by marine engineers working with oceanographers. She rides on twin parallel hulls that contain her big engines and auxiliary machinery. Her space age rounded superstructure abounds with technical sophistication and futuristic innovations. The quarters for the crew and scientists rival those of a luxury cruise ship. Her radically designed triangular hulls can crush an ice floe four meters thick. She has a gleaming white superstructure and turquoise bull.
J2X Allard. One of Pitt's cars. Built in England in 1952, the roadster is low and red in color. It features twin bucket seats and a small curved windscreen. Powered by a Cadillac V-8 engine with dual four-barrel carburetors and an Iskenderian camshaft. Pitt estimates its top speed at two hundred ten kilometers an hour.
Joseph Marmon Volcanic Observatory. Location in Auckland, New Zealand, where Bakewell phones Sandecker and discloses that the volcanoes on Gladiator Island will probably blow as a result of the redirected sound waves.
Ka-32 Helix. Gorimykin lands a smaller version of the Russian Navy helicopter aboard the HMS Bridlingtom The craft is used for light transport duty and air reconnaissance. The one Gorimykin is flying is used to spot whales for hunting.
Kaumalapau. Port on the island of Lanai where the parts of the reflector are loaded aboard a cargo ship.
Kea. Species of parrot that lives on New Zealand and the surrounding islands. One is spotted by the remaining survivors on the raft of the Gladiator when they are near the island later to be known as Gladiator Island. Later, one is spotted by Pitt just before they reach land. He describes it as having a wing span of about a meter, with feathers a mottled green with specks of brown. The upper beak is curved and comes to a sharp point. It appears to Pitt to be an ugly cousin of the more colorful parrot family.
Kelsey, Jason. Captain of the Rio Grande.
Kimberlite Pipes. A mixture of liquid rocks and diamonds. Named for the South African city of Kimberly.
King George Island. Location where the survivors of Seymour Island are taken.
Krakatoa. Volcano that erupted in 1883. Located south of Java, the eruption created huge tidal waves and upset the world's weather for months.
Kunghit Island. Island off British Columbia that is one corner of the Acoustic Convergence. Location of the Dorsett Consolidated Mining Limited diamond mine. The southernmost island in the Queen Charlotte chain. Part of the Moresby National Park Reserve but leased by the Canadian government anyway. Dorsett then closed off the island to all visitors and campers.
Lanai Satellite Information Collection Facility. Faraday explains that the NSA has a parabolic reflector inside the extinct Palawai volcano on the island of Lanai that is eighty meters in diameter. NUMA removes the reflector without permission and hangs it from the Glomar Explorer.
Lanikai. The freighter Faraday charters to move the reflector.
Larsen Ice Shelf. Famous location on Antarctica that is the source of most of the icebergs in the Weddell Sea.
Lien, Poon. The Guiness World Record holder for survival at sea.
Lim, Poon. A Chinese steward, was set adrift on a raft after his ship was torpedoed in the South Atlantic during World War II. He survived one hundred thirty-three days before being picked up by Brazilian fishermen.
Maclntyre, Commandant. Commander of the U.S. Coast Guard.
Macquaries. Islands south of New Zealand that Pitt hopes the Marvelous Maeve can hit.
Marvelous Maeve. The small semi-inflatable boat that Fletcher, Pitt and Giordino are set adrift on from the Dorsett yacht. Three meters in length by two meters wide, it has a fiberglass V-hull that appears sturdy but later cracks. Pitt, Giordino and Fletcher pilot the boat to Gladiator Island. It is later recovered by Giordino and placed in Pitt's aircraft hangar/home.
Marvin, Carl. Claims to be a photographer from the Ocean Angler but is quickly found out as a fake by Giordino. Actually works for the Dorsett security force. Giordino chokes him, then throws him out of the Toyota van.
McDonnell-Douglas 530 MD Defenders. A military designed aircraft built for silent flying and high stability during abnormal maneuvers. A pair of the blueblack helicopters mounted with 7.62-millimeter guns are inside the hangar at Kunghit Island.
Mentawai. An Indonesian freighter bound from Honolulu to Jayapua to New Guinea.
Merchant, John. Head of security for Dorsett mining operations on Kunghit Island. Known as "Dapper John." He is described as small, thin and fastidiously dressed. He has deep-set gray eyes. Smokes cigarettes. Broadmoor cracks him on the head with a wrench when he and Pitt escape Kunghit Island, giving him a hairline skull fracture. When Pitt storms Gladiator Island, he shoots him in the knee, then ties him up and leaves him in the closet.
Misery Islands. See The Tits.
Moon Pool. Located in the center of the Glomar Explorer, it is an open area where salvage recoveries can't take place. Rectangular in shape, it is 1,367 square meters and takes up the middle third of the ship.
"Moon River." Famous Henry Mancini song that Fletcher and Pitt dance to at the party thrown by Deep Abyss Engineering. The song Maeve is whispering as she dies.
Moresby Island. Island across the Houston Stewart Channel from Kunghit Island.
Motorola Iridium. Wireless telephone used by Sandecker.
Mount Scaggs. One of the volcanic peaks on Gladiator Island. It last erupted between A.D. 1225 and 1275. Described as a shield volcano. Explodes first when the acoustic wave hits Gladiator Island.
Mount Winkleman. One of the volcanic peaks on Gladiator Island. It last erupted between A.D. 1225 and 1275. Described as a shield volcano. Explodes second, with the roar of a hundred freight trains rolling through a tunnel, when the acoustic wave hits Gladiator Island.
Mulboland, Hugo. Perlmutter's chauffeur. A taciturn character.
Multilateral Council of Trade. Known to insiders as the Foundation, it is an institution dedicated to the development of a single global economic government. They meet inside a modernistic all-glass structure built in the shape of a pyramid that sits on the outskirts of Paris. The board of directors is made up of fourteen men including the man who runs the South African diamond cartel, a Belgian industrialist from Antwerp, a real estate developer from New Delhi, India, the billionaire head of a German banking firm and the sheik of an oil-rich country on the Red Sea. Other members of the board include the Japanese head of a huge electronics firm, the French head of one of the world's largest fashion houses, an Italian' owner of cargo ships, the CEO of a major Asian airline, a Russian entrepreneur who operates aluminum and copper mines, a British subject who owns a publishing empire and the former U.S. secretary of state from one of the United States' wealthiest families who is the founding father of the Foundation. Clive may have made a mistake here: There are only twelve men listed here, but at the end of the chapter, on page 448, fourteen voices give an affirmative yea.
National Science Board. Group that advises the president on he Acoustic Convergence problem. They downplay the danger.
Natural Resources Canada. The Canadian governmental agency that oversees mining. Posey tells Pitt he should be coordinating the investigation of Dorsett Consolidated operations on Kunghit Island with them. Pitt disagrees.
Nimitz. U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Pitt falsely claims is going to attack Kunghit Island.
O'Toole, Major. A major in the Australian Army who leads the rescue efforts after the explosion on Gladiator Island.
Occam's razor. Mentioned by Ames. It states: Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily.
Ocean Angkr. NUMA research vessel on a deep-sea survey project in the Bounty Trough, west of New Zealand.
Oppenheimer, Sir Ernest. Former legendary chairman of De Beers.
Overmeyer, Admiral John. Admiral based at Pearl Harbor from whom Sandecker attempts to borrow the Enterprise. Served with Sandecker on the Iowa.
Pacific Gladiator. Dorsett-owned company that mines colored gemstones.
Pahoehoe. Thin lava flows, usually basaltic in composition.
Pendleton, Inspector. Stokes's superior in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Petrels. Giant birds described as the vultures of the sea which attack the dead penguins on Seymour Island.
Pier 16. Pier in Wellington where the Ocean Angler is tied up.
Pitt, Colonel Thadeus. What Pitt refers to himself as when he builds a pair of sun goggles from a board taken from York's berth.
Polar Queen. Rupert & Saunders-owned cruise ship that is visiting Seymour Island when the acoustic wave hits. Quite small by cruise-ship standards, she measures seventy-two meters with a twenty-five-hundred gross rated tonnage. Built in Bergen, Norway, she is specially constructed to cruise polar waters and can function as an icebreaker if the need arises. Her superstructure and a broad horizontal stripe below her lower hull are painted glacier-white. The rest of her hull is a bright yellow.
Posey, Edward. Works for Environment Canada in Hull. A short man with glasses and a beard. Worked with Pitt in 1989 on the Doodlebug project.
Pryor, John. A convict and one of the survivors of the raft from the Gladiator. Dorsett beats his brains in with a rock when he attempts to rape Betsy Dorsett.
Pulse Excavator. Dorsett mining innovation that uses high-energy pulsed ultrasound to carve through the blue clay that contains the major deposits of diamonds. Beam that creates the Acoustic Convergence.
Punta Arenas. Chilean port to which Pitt and Giordino fly the NUMA helicopter from the Ice Hunter.
Pygoscelis adeliae. Adelie penguins that are one of seventeen true species. They have a black-feathered back and hooded head with a white breast and beady little eyes. Their ancestors evolved forty million years ago and were then as tall as a man.
Queen Charlotte Islands. String of about one hundred fifty islands off the coast of British Columbia. The total area of the islands is ninety-five hundred eighty four square kilometers. The population is fifty-eight hundred ninety people, mostly Haida Indians who invaded the islands in the eighteenth century.
Quick, Captain James. Captain of the Glomar Explorer. Described as a short, plump man a few years over forty.
Ramsey, First Officer. First officer of the Gladiator. Suffers severe contusions in the first fight aboard the raft from the Gladiator. Killed in the second fight aboard the raft from the Gladiator.
Reed, Alfred. An able seaman and one of the survivors of the raft from the Gladiator. Murdered by Winkleman in a dispute over Marion Adams.
Rhodes, Cecil. Founder of De Beers.
Rio Grande. A U.S. container carrier bound for Sydney, Australia, with a cargo of tractors and agricultural equipment. Receives a distress call from the Mentawai.
Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn. Car owned by St. Julien Perlmutter. A 1955 model with coachwork by Hoopers & Company. The engine is a straight-six with overhead valves. The automobile is painted silver and green.
Roosevelt. U.S. Navy nuclear aircraft carrier Sandecker wants to use to hang the underwater reflector. Currently docked at Pearl Harbor. He is rebuffed in his efforts to use the vessel.
Ross, Joe. Captain of the Ocean Angler.
Rostron, Captain Arthur. Captain of the Carpathia, the ship that rescued the survivors from the Titanic. According to Maeve, he reported seeing a sea serpent.
Rudolf, Surgeon. Doctor aboard the H.M.S. Bridlington. Speaks Russian. Described as a short man with blond hair.
Rupert & Saunders. The cruise line that employs Maeve Fletcher. Based in Adelaide, Australia, it specializes in adventure tours.
Ryan, Ian. Captain and chief of operations for Rupert & Saunders. Receives the Polar Queen from Dempsey. Described as big and ruddy.
Saint Francis of Paola. Known as the patron saint of mariners and navigators. Pitt discovers a medal with Saint Francis that has fallen from the pocket of the captain of the Polar Queen onto the ship's controls and is making the ship steam in circles.
Sandecker's whaleboat. An old navy double-ender whaleboat Sandecker bought surplus and rebuilt. The vessel was built in a small New Hampshire shipyard in 1936, then transported to Newport News, Virginia, where she was loaded aboard the newly launched aircraft carrier Enterprise. She served as Admiral Bull Halsey's personal shore boat until the Enterprise was decommissioned and scrapped. After being left to rot in a storage area behind the New York shipyard, the craft is purchased and restored by Sandecker. Powered by a four-cylinder Buda diesel engine. Sandecker uses the boat to cruise on the Potomac River on Sundays for relaxation. Clive owned a similar boat in Newport Beach, California, before he began writing.
Scaggs, Charles "Bully." The hard-driving captain of the Gladiator. Described as a giant of a man with the physique of a stonemason. He stands six feet two inches tall, with olive-gray eyes that peer from a face weathered by the sea and sun. Has a great shag of ink-black hair and a magnificent black beard that he braids on special occasions. At the time the Gladiator is struck by the typhoon, he is thirty-nine years old. Suffers two broken ribs on the first fight aboard the raft of the Gladiator. Later lands safely on the island, leaves on a raft and reaches Australia. Once he returns to England, Carlisle & Dunhill offer him the command of their newest clipper, and he makes six more voyages to China before retiring to his cottage in Aberdeen at the early age of forty-seven. Was married to Lucy, who preceded him in death. After catching a cold from sailing his small ketch to visit his grandchildren in Peterhead, he dies at age fifty-nine.
Seaggs, Jenny. Daughter of "Bully." Cares for her father before he dies.
The Serpent. Inhabits the lagoon on Gladiator Island and saves the survivors on the raft from the Executioner. Described as an enormous eel-like creature with a blunt head and long, tapering tail. The length of the body is estimated to be sixty-five feet, with the circumference that of a large flour barrel. The mouth has short fang like teeth. The serpent's skin appears smooth and colored dark brown, almost black on the top, with an ivory white belly.
Seymour Island. Island near Antarctica that makes up the largest nearby ice-free surface. A singularly ugly place inhabited by only a few varieties' of lichen and a rookery of Adelie penguins. A group of Norwegian explorers survived two winters on the island after their ship was crushed in the ice in 1859. First sighted by James Clark Ross in 1842. There is a historic whaling station aboard the island still maintained by the British that the passengers of the Polar Queen visit.
Sheppard, Lieutenant Silas. Commander of the ten man detachment from the New South Wales Infantry Regiment that guards the prisoners aboard the Gladiator. Garroted and killed by two convicts in the fight aboard the raft. His parents reside in Horsby.
Sherman, Hank. First officer of the Rio Grande. Leads the boarding party to the Mentawai and is aboard when she sinks, killing the entire boarding party.
Sherman, Martha. Sandecker's longtime secretary.
Southern Cross. A constellation of stars that is not visible above thirty degrees north latitude, the latitude running across the tip of Florida and North Africa. Its five bright stars have steered mariners and fliers across the immense reaches of the Pacific since the early voyages of the Polynesians. Pitt uses it to navigate aboard the Marvelous Maeve.
Stokes, Inspector Malcolm. Royal Canadian Mounted Police inspector in the Criminal Intelligence Directorate who flies Pitt to Moresby Island where Broadmoor lives. Questions Pitt about the Empress of Ireland project Pitt worked on in Night Probe. After escaping in the Beaver with Pitt from Kunghit Island, he is wounded in the left lung by a metal splinter when the Beaver crashes. Married, with five children.
Strouser, Gabe. Head of Strouser & Sons. Has known Arthur Dorsett since childhood. Still bitter at Dorsett for firing his company without an explanation. After being fired by Dorsett, he moved his company's headquarters to New York City from Sydney, Australia, and aligned the company with the South African cartel. Described as a strikingly attractive man in his early sixties. Has a head of well-groomed silver hair, a narrow face with high cheekbones and a finely shaped nose. He is trim and athletically built with evenly tanned skin. Several centimeters shorter than Arthur Dorsett, he has dazzling white teeth and a friendly mouth. He has blue-green eyes. Arthur and Boudicca Dorsett kill him by pouring D-grade flawless diamonds into his mouth through a funnel, suffocating him. They later decapitate him and send the head to the Multilateral Council of Trade.
Strouser, Levi. Jewish gem merchant to whom Scaggs asks Carlisle to take the stones Betsy Dorsett sent to him for appraisal. His gem shop, Strouser & Sons, is in the Castlegate section of Aberdeen. Married twice; his second wife bore him four sons and two daughters. Explains to Carlisle that the stones Betsy Fletcher sent are diamonds worth somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty million dollars on today's market.
Summer. Pitt's only true love. Mentioned on page 163. Described by Pitt on page 372 as having gray eyes and red hair but still looking much like Maeve.
Tantoa, Ramini. A native of Cooper Island in the Palmyra Atoll chain, he finds the Tz'u-hsi after she washes ashore in the lagoon on his island.
Tasman Sea. Location of the Gladiator when she is abandoned and the convicts and crew take to the raft.
Thurston lava tubes. Hollow tubes in lava beds that are resonating and radiating the sound from the Dorsett Consolidated mines into the oceans.
The Tits. Also known as the Miseries, the small rock islands Pitt, Giordino and Fletcher find, as well as the location of Rodney York and the wreck of the Dancing Dorothy. Nine hundred sixty-five kilometers southwest of Invercargil, New Zealand.
Toft, Jason. The Glomar Explorer's chief engineer. Described as a man with a huge stomach and short legs. He is responsible for repairing the Glomar Explorer's engines in record time so she can be deployed to drop the deflector.
Tucson. U.S. Navy missile cruiser that was Sandecker's last command.
Tzu-hsi. Ningpo-design Chinese junk named after the last Chinese dowager empress and owned by Converse. Twenty-four meters in length with a beam of six meters and built from top to bottom of cedar and teakwood. Converse is sailing the ship on an around the-world cruise when it is hit by an acoustic wave.
Ultrasonic drilling equipment. Used by Dorsett Consolidated. Uses sound pulses with acoustic frequencies of sixty thousand to eighty thousand Hertz or cycles per second.
Underwriting Room of Lloyd's of London. Area in the famous ship insurer where lost ships are recorded.
U.S. Navy F-22A. Type of jet fighter that transports Sandecker from Hawaii to Tasmania. A two-place jet that can operate at Mach 3+ speeds.
U.S. Navy SH-60B Sea Hawk. Helicopter with NUMA markings that Ames lands on the Glomar Explorer.
Van Fleet, Robin. Wife of Roy Van Fleet.
Van Fleet, Roy. NUMA marine biologist who is aboard the helicopter piloted by Giordino when Pitt visits Seymour Island. Married, he has three children.
Vega Island. Location mentioned by Pitt as the site where fifty or more dead seals washed ashore.
Weddell Sea. Location mentioned by Pitt as site of a huge school of dead dolphins.
Wellington, New Zealand. Capital city of New Zealand. Enclosed by a huge bay and a maze of islands, along with low mountains with Mount Victoria the highest peak. Lush, green vegetation surrounds the port, which boasts one of the finest harbors in the world. Pitt, Fletcher and Giordino land there with the intention of boarding the Ocean Angler but are kidnapped by Dorsett security forces and taken aboard the Dorsett yacht.
Wilbanks, Wes. Marine architect in Miami, Florida, who helps Giordino identify the yacht seen leaving the area near the Mentawai. Described as in his early thirties and quite tall. Has a soft Southern drawl. His handsome face is framed by an abundance of fashionably slicked-back hair that is graying at the temples.
Winkleman, John. A convict and one of the survivors of the raft from the Gladiator. Murders Reed in a dispute over Marion Adams, then later marries her. Goes mad when Adams dies giving birth to a daughter and tries to kill the baby. Later gets hold of his senses but is never the same again.
Winkleman, Mary. Daughter of Marion Adams and John Winkleman. Educated at a proper girls' school in England. Later marries Charles Dorsett.
York, Rodney. Yachtsman who entered a solo around the-world sailboat race that began in Portsmouth, England. The race was sponsored by a London newspaper, and the prize was twenty thousand pounds for the winner. He left Portsmouth April 24, 1962. Lived in Falmouth in Cornwall. Survived on the Tits for one hundred thirty-six days before dying. Had a wife and three daughters. York's widow is still living in Falmouth Bay, a sweet little lady in her late seventies. Giordino has York's log books delivered to her by courier.
Zodiac. A versatile rubber craft designed by the late Jacques Cousteau and used by the passengers of the Polar Queen to visit Seymour Island.
Flood Tide
Aserma Bulldog. Twelve-gauge self-ejecting shotgun Pitt uses against assassins inside his aircraft hangar.
Bamboo VI. Code name Han uses when he calls Hong Kong during the INS raid on Orion Lake.
Bartholomeaux Landing. The area where the sugar mill is located.
Bayou Kid. Name Cussler uses for his appearance. Described as an older man, in his mid-sixties. Plays the role of the loner but has a humorous and friendly grin in his blue-green eyes. His hair is gray, and it matches a mustache that falls and meets a beard around his chin. Said to own a fleet of fishing boats and a big catfish farm. You wouldn't know to look at him, but he's a wealthy man.
Benthos. A.U.V Used in Louisiana, it is three times the size of the one Pitt used in Orion Lake. Features twin horizontal thrusters and imagery equipment that includes a video camera with low-light sensitivity and high resolution, a video still camera and a ground penetrating radar unit.
Benthos Inc. A.U.V. Autonomous Underwater Vehicle that has a high-resolution underwater camera. Remotely operated. Pitt uses it to search Orion Lake. He controls the A.U.V by means of a joystick mounted on a small remote hand box. After Pitt views the videotape shot by the A.U.V, he sees bodies strewn on the bottom of Orion Lake.
Black, Charles. Canadian anatomist who discovered the Peking Man.
Boone, Sam. Mississippi River pilot assigned to navigate the S.S. United States upriver. Described as a heavy man with a beer belly. Hung-chang orders him taken prisoner and locked up below decks.
Butterfield Freight Corporation. Company the guard at the Bartholomeaux Sugar plant claims he works for. Most likely a Shang-owned front company.
Cabrillo, Chairman Juan Rodriguez. Leader of the group that operates the Oregon. Described as a handsome man in his mid-forties with blue eyes and blond hair in a crew cut. His parents immigrated from Mexico in 1931 and became American citizens five years later. His leg is amputated after the battle with the Chengdo.
Campbeltown. British World War II vessel loaded with explosives and rammed into the drydock at SaintNazaire to thwart the Nazis.
Carr, Robin. Receptionist in the West Wing of the White House. Described as an attractive lady in her late thirties with auburn hair tied in an old-fashioned bow.
Charlie's Fish Dock, Seafood and Booze. Location in Louisiana where Pitt and Giordino meet the Bayou Kid. The inside is described as like walking back in time. The ancient air conditioning long ago lost its war with human sweat and tobacco smoke. The wooden floor is worn smooth and scarred by hundreds of cigarette burns. The tables are cut and varnished from the hatch covers of old boats. The tired captain's chairs look patched and glued. The walls feature rusty advertising signs.
Chan, Lei. Deputy minister of internal affairs who succeeds Tsang.
Chengdo. Chinese Luhu Type 052 Class destroyer that orders the Oregon to stop. ID number 116. Launched in the late 1990s, the vessel displaces forty-two hundred tons and features two gas turbine engines rated at 45,000 horsepower. Carries two Harbine helicopters and has a complement of two hundred thirty men, forty of them officers. Her armaments include eight sea-skimming missiles and a surface-to-air octuble launcher, twin 100-milimeter guns in a turret aft of the bow, eight 37-millimeters mounted in pairs along with six torpedoes in two triple tubes and twelve antisubmarine mortar launchers. Sunk by the Oregon.
Cherokee OH Company. Oil company based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, that owns the concrete pier where Pitt and Giordino stop the shanty boat. There they are accosted by a security force from Sungari that arrives in a Hovercraft and films them.
China Maritime. Chinese government-owned shipping company Miang tells Shang will replace Qin Shang Maritime.
Ching, May. Works for the Dragon Triad and is with Loo at Bartholomeaux Sugar. Described as looking Eurasian. Her shiny black hair falls in a long cascade down her back. Her shoulders are broad, her breasts nicely rounded, and her slim waist neatly merges with her trim legs. She wears makeup with skill, and her nails are incredibly long. Her eyes are unusual, one nearly black and the other light gray. Her father was British. Held by Pitt for the INS a ents.
Chong, Kung. Han's second-in-command. Has a quiet, competent voice. Formerly an agent with the People's Republic of China's intelligence service.
Chris-Craft Runabout. Boat owned by Foley. A 1933 twenty-one-footer that features a gleaming mahogany hull and double cockpits. The boat has a tumble-home stern, curved gracefully from the transom forward to the engine compartment, which sits between the forward and aft cockpits. Powered by a big, straight-eight, 125-horsepower Chrysler marine engine.
Chu, Lin Wan. Cook on the Sung Lien Star whom Lee impersonates. The real Lin grew up on a farm in Jiangsu Province, then ran away to sea. She is drugged with a shot from a hypodermic needle and taken aboard the Weehawken.
Cochran, Chief Mickey. Chief aboard the Weehawken who helps Lee make the identity switch. A burly man with a walrus mustache and deep-set gray eyes.
Colburn, Dick. The owner of the general store at Orion Lake. Sells Pitt provisions. Explains that Shang has bought most of the property surrounding Orion Lake.
Crabtree, Monica. Supply and logistics coordinator on the Oregon. Described as six feet tall and weighing two hundred pounds.
Daniels, Harry. Colburn tells Pitt that Daniels hunts and camps along the Orion River and has seen a strange work boat traveling the lake after midnight and never under a moon.
Davis, Charles. Special assistant to the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Davis is present after Pitt and Lee escape Shang's assassins and are debriefed. Described as a tall man with the look of a Saint Bernard coming across a garbage can at a barbecue restaurant.
Dean Hawes. U.S. Navy salvage vessel that assists in the recovery of the artifacts from the Princess Dou Wan. Described as new, only two years from her launch date, and constructed especially for deep-water work, particularly the recovery of submarines.
Deng, Chu. Captain of the black catamaran that dumps the bodies in Orion Lake. Also supervisor in charge of transporting illegal immigrants from the mother ship and responsible for the execution of those who are unfit for slave labor.
Divercity. Boat Pitt hires to search for the Princess Dou Wan on Lake Michigan. Described as a twenty-five-foot Parker with a cabin and powered by a 250 horsepower Yamaha outboard. Electronics include NavStar differential global-positioning system interfaced with a 486 computer, a Geometries 866 marine magnetometer, a Klein side-scan sonar and a Benthos MiniRover MKII underwater robotic vehicle.
Dragon Lady. Code name Lee uses over the radio to the security team when she attends the party at Shang's home in Chevy Chase with Pitt.
Dragon Triad. Qin Shang's partner. They buy what Shang imports: people, drugs, weapons. Loo from the Triad meets with Wong at Bartholomeaux Sugar.
Du Gard, Marie. Chef on the Oregon. From Belgium, she plans to open a restaurant in Midtown Manhattan after two more undercover operations.
Duesenberg. One of Pitt's cars. His is a 1929 convertible sedan with orange body and brown fenders. The Model J Duesenbergs were the finest examples of American auto making. Produced from 1928 until 1936, they are considered by many collectors as the handsomest cars ever built. Pitt's car was custom-bodied by Walter M. Murphy Company in Pasadena, California. The straight eight-cylinder engine displaces for hundred twenty cubic inches. The engine produced two hundred sixty-five horsepower. Under the right conditions, the car can reach speeds of one hundred forty miles an hour. Has big 750-by-17-inch tires.
Elder, Cindy. Colburn tells Pitt she tends bar over at the Sockeye Saloon and gives a great massage.
Farrar, Jack. The deputy director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service region that encompasses Orion Lake.
Felix Bartholomeaux Sugar Processing Plant Number One. Established in 1883, it is used in Shang's smuggling operation. Location where Lee is taken prisoner by Wong, who wants to trade her to Loo.
Ferguson, Dale. Commandant of the Coast Guard. Described as a large, ruddy man with a ready smile. Married to Sally. Has boys in college.
Foley, Sam. An old friend of the Pitt family. Loans his cabin on Orion Lake to Pitt so he can relax and recuperate. The only person who has not sold Shang his cabin on Orion Lake.
Fort McNair. Base in Washington, D.C.where Sandecker and Gunn meet with President Wallace. Because of terrorist threats, the president and the first family only rarely visit the White House and live here. The dachshund dog owned by Katrina Garin. Drowns aboard the Princess Dou Wan. Pitt recovers the dog's bones and presents them to the Gallagers for burial.
Gailager, Ian "Hong Kong." Chief engineer on the Princess Dou Wan. Described at the time of the sinking as an ox-shouldered, red-faced, hard-drinking, heavily-moustached Irishman. Perlmutter finds accounts of Gallager rescuing the passengers and crew of a sinking tramp steamer off the Philippines in 1936. After 1948, he seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Yaeger learns he became an American citizen in 1950. After that, he worked as a chief engineer with the New York-based Ingram Line. Married Katrina Garin in 1949 and raised five children. Later retired to a lakefront town named Manitowoc on the Wisconsin side of Lake Michigan. When Pitt and Lee visit him, he reveals the location of the Princess Dou Wan.
Garin, Katrina (Gaflager). Girlfriend and later wife of Ian Gallager. Described at the time of the sinking as having long blond hair. Her complexion is smooth and flawless with high cheekbones. Her body is long and beautifully proportioned, and her eyes are the vivid blue of a late-morning sky.
Gavrovich, Pavel. Shang's chief enforcer. Formerly one of the finest and most ruthless undercover agents in all of Russia. Described as a tall, medium-built man with Slavic features. He has thick black hair that he greases and combs back across the head with no part. Attempts to kill Pitt at his aircraft hangar/home but is killed instead.
George B. Larson. Army Corps of Engineers survey boat that inspects the Mississippi River.
Gibbs, William Francis. Famed ship designer who designed the S.S. United States.
Giraud, Lucas. Captain of the George B. Larson. Looks like one of the Three Musketeers with French hawk like features and flowing black mustache waxed and twisted at the ends. A big man with a big belly.
Greenberg, Sam. NUMA driver who drops Pitt off at his aircraft hangar/home after returning from searching the S.S. United States. Young, no more than twenty, a student studying oceanography at a local university while earning extra money under a marine educational program created for NUMA by Sandecker. Pitt tells him to call Sandecker and a security force.
Grosse, Erich. One of the fake identities used by Pitt and Giordino when they search the S.S. United States at the dock. Said to work for the German shipbuilding firm of Voss and Heibert.
Hall, Wes. One of the crew of the Divercity. Described as an easygoing, soft-spoken and smoothly handsome man who could double for Mel Gibson.
Han, Lo. Chief of compound security for Shang's Orion Lake facility. Described as a big bull of a man built like a beer keg with a massive, square-jawed head and eyes that are always bloodshot. After Pitt escapes on the Chris-Craft and the Orion Lake compound is raided, Han commits suicide in his mobile security vehicle.
Hanley, Max. Corporate vice president of operational systems aboard the Oregon. Has a red face with no trace of a tan. Has alert brown eyes, a bulbous nose and only a wisp of auburn hair splayed across his head.
Harper, Peter. Executive associate commissioner for field operations for the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Has thinning blond hair and gray eyes and wears rimless spectacles.
Hill, Wilbur. A director with the Central Intelligence Agency. Hill is present after Pitt and Lee esciipc iiuiii Shang's assassins and are debriefed. A blond man with a mustache and pale blue eyes set wide apart.
Hispania. A country of Spanish-speaking people that will spread from Southern California across Arizona, New Mexico and the lower half of Texas.
House of Tin Hau. Shang's mansion. Located on an island about a mile in diameter in Repulse Bay near Hong Kong. Originally a Taoist monastery built in 1789, it was abandoned in 1949 and purchased by Shang in 1990. Protected by a high wall and well-guarded gates, the enclosed gardens contain many rare trees and flowers. The inside is furnished with rare works of art, and the dining room is massive with a huge circular table. Guests arrive by helicopter or aboard Shang's two hundred-foot ship.
Hovercraft. Used by Shang's security force at Sungari. An amphibious craft that can ride on both water and land. Propelled by twin aircraft engines with propellers at the stern. The Hovercraft is supported by a cushion of air contained within a heavy rubber structure and produced by a smaller encine attached to a horizontal fan.
Hudson Bay. Canadian salvage ship owned by Deep Abyss Systems Limited out of Montreal. An older vessel converted from a powerful oceangoing salvage and tugboat. Assists in the recovery of artifacts from the Princess Dou Wan.
Hui, General Kung. General with the Nationalist Chinese Army who supervises the hiding of the Peking Man and the priceless art treasures aboard the Princess Dou Wan. During the sinking, he boards a life raft with Gallager and Garin but dies before they reach land.
Hui, Wang. Guard at Shang's Orion Lake facility.
Hung-chang, Captain Li. Captain of the Sung Lien Star. In his late forties. His hair is gleaming salt-and pepper, though his narrow mustache is still black. Has kindly-grandfather dark-amber eyes. After the Sung Lien Star, he is assigned to captain the S.S. United States.
Hunt, Captain Leigh. Captain of the Princess Dou Wan. Described as a thin man with graying hair and sad, vacant eyes. Served eighteen years with the Royal Navy and eighteen more as an officer with three different shipping companies. Originally from Bridlington, England. Dies aboard the Princess Dou Wan when the vessel sinks.
Indigo Star. Vessel that has the appearance of a typical cruise ship but is instead used to smuggle twelve hundred illegal aliens to the United States. Her hull is painted white from the waterline to the funnel.
Jade Adventurer. Shang-owned research vessel constructed in his shipyards at Hong Kong. A marvel of undersea technology. Has a sleek superstructure and twin catamaran hulls that give her the look of an expensive yacht. Has an A-frame crane on her stern. Her hulls are painted blue with a red stripe running around her leading edges. The upperworks are painted white. She measures 325 feet in length. At the site of the wreck of the Princess Dou Wan.
James, Pete. One of the Oregon crewmen. Diver and former Navy SEAL Shot in the legs when the Oregon attacks the Chengdo.
Jiang, Chen. Captain of the Jade Adventurer. Has worked for Qin Shang Maritime for twenty of his thirty years at sea. Described as tall and thin with straight white hair, he is quiet and efficient in the operation of his ship.
Jingzi International Passages. Shang front company located in Beijing, China, that Lee pays thirty thousand dollars to be smuggled to the United States.
Kai-shek, Generalissimo Chiang. Head of the Nation aust Chinese Army and leader of Nationalist China. Orders the artwork and the Peking Man to be loaded aboard the Princess Dou Wan.
Kalashnikov AKM rifle. Used by the Chinese on the S.S. United States.
Kasini, Hah. The Oregon's vice president in charge of communications.
Klein & Associates Systems 2000 Sonar. Sonar unit on the Divercity used to locate the Princess Dou Wan. Has a high-resolution color video display unit mounted in the same console as a thermal unit that records the ocean floor in 256 shades of gray.
Kwan, Zhu. Seventy-year-old scholar who is one of Clima's most respected historians. Described as a little man with a smiling face and small, heavy-lidded brown eyes. He is helping Shang search for the art treasures that disappeared on the Princess Dou Wan. Perlmutter leaks information to Kwan about the wreck of the Princess Dou Wan being found to lure Shang to the site.
Kwong, Wu. Premier of China. Contributes to President Wallace's campaign.
Laird, Morton. The U.S. president's chief of staff. Described as a tall, balding man with rimless spectacles. Has fox-brown eyes with heavily thicketed eyebrows. Formerly a professor of communications at Stanford. Wears three-piece suits with vests and has a pocket watch with a gold chain. After Shang meets with the president in the White House, Laird resigns in disgust. He moves to an island off the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and begins to write his memoirs.
Lampack School of Oceanography. Where the Marine Denizen is to be donated. Clive is having fun here; Peter Lampack is Clive's longtime agent.
Lee, Julia Marie. Special undercover agent with the Internal Affairs Division of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Born in San Francisco, California. Her father had been an American financial analyst based in Hong Kong who married the daughter of a wealthy Chinese banker. Has dove-gray eyes, beautiful blue-black hair and Asian features. Books passage on the Indigo Star to investigate the smuggling of illegal aliens. When her true identity is discovered, she is bound and tossed into Orion Lake to drown before being rescued by Pitt. Later attends Shang's party with Pitt and is nearly killed in the Duesenberg chase. Then she sneaks aboard the Sung Lien Star and is captured. At the end of the book, Pitt invites her to Mazatlan, Mexico, for a romantic vacation.
Lewis, Captain Duane. Captain of the Weehawken. Has deep-set brown eyes.
Lin, Ming. First officer on the S.S. United States. Lin pilots the ship up the Mississippi River after training on a computer simulator.
Loo, Jack. Chief executive officer for the Dragon Triad. Eurasian, suntanned, with vapid black eyes. His hair is long and black and tied in a ponytail. His face looks like that of a party animal, and he has had more than one facelift. Hit by Pitt in the head, he dies at Bartholomeaux Sugar.
Lotus H. Code name for the person Han calls in Hong Kong after the INS raid begins at Orion Lake.
Louisiana & Southern Railroad. Name on the diesel electric locomotive inside Bartholomeaux Sugar.
Loyang, Lin. President of China.
MlAl tanks. Tanks used by the Louisiana National Guard. Mounted with 105-millimeter guns.
Malder, Karl. One of the fake identities used by Pitt and Giordino when they search the S.S. United States at the dock. Said to work for the German shipbuilding firm of Voss and Heibert.
Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Town where the Gallagers retired. Located thirty-five miles south of Green Bay.
Marchand, Sheriff Louis. Sheriff of lberville Parish. Described as trim and smartly dressed in a tailored uniform. He is polished, urbane and extremely street-smart.
Marine Denizen. NUMA research vessel. The oldest ship in the NUMA fleet and soon to be retired. Assigned to the Mississippi River project.
Mazatlan. Mexican resort town where Pitt invites Lee for a romantic vacation.
McDonnell-Douglas Explorer. Fast, no-tail rotor, twin-engined helicopter with a top speed of 170 miles an hour. Giordino and Gunn use the helicopter to attack the ultralights and help Pitt and the immigrants aboard the Chris-Craft escape.
Meadows, Bob. One of the Oregon crewmen. Diver and former Navy SEAL. Shot in the legs when the Oregon attacks the Chengdo.
Mercado, Juan. A naval archivist from Panama whom Perlmutter asks to search the Panama Canal records for ships passing through the canal from November 28 through December 5, 1948. He finds that the Princess Yung T'ai passed December 1, 1948.
Miang, Qian. China's ambassador to the United States. A portly man with short hair styled in a crew cut whose face is fixed in a constant little grin. Was schooled for three years at Cambridge.
Monroe, Duncan. Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
Montaigne, Major General Frank. President of the Mississippi River Commission and head of the Army Corps of Engineers for the entire Mississippi Valley from the Gulf up to where the Missouri River joins the Mississippi near St. Louis. Described as late-fiftyish with steel gray hair. His eyebrows stayed black and sat on top of gray-blue colored eyes. Born below New Orleans to a fisherman father, Montaigne has served a distinguished career in both Vietnam and the Gulf War and has a Ph.D. in hydrology. Married, with three daughters. Present when the S.S. United States runs upriver.
Morgan City, Louisiana. Town closest to Sungari. With a population of fifteen thousand, the city is the largest in St. Mary Parish. The city faces west, overlooking a wide stretch of the Atchafalaya River called Berwick Bay.
Mosby underwater rifles. An underwater weapon that fires a missile with a small explosive head through water. Used by the Chinese who attack the Sea Dog Mystic Canal. Dredged by Shang to divert the Mississippi River.
Nanchang Investments. Holding company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, that Shang hides behind when he purchases the Orion Lake property.
National Gallery of Art. Where the artifacts removed from the Princess Dou Wan are to be exhibited.
Newt suits. Deep-water atmospheric diving system that enables the diver inside to work for long periods of time at the four-hundred-plus depth without concerns over decompression. Bulbous, constructed of fiberglass and magnesium and self-propelled.
NUMA Marine Science Center. NUMA facility at Bremerton, Washington, where Giordino and Gunn borrow the helicopter used to help Pitt on the Orion River.
Ocean Retriever. NUMA vessel that was working off the coast of Maine but was diverted to Lake Michigan to help with the recovery of the artifacts from the Princess Dou Wan.
Olson, General Oskar. Commander of the Louisiana National Guard. Attended West Point. Old friend of Montaigne's. A man in his late fifties, youthful-looking, confident and buoyant. He is about the same size as Pitt but has a slight paunch at the waist. Has olive brown eyes.
Operation lberville. The operation at Morgan City.
Operation Orion. The operation at Orion Lake.
Oregon. Formerly a Pacific Coast lumber hauler, the vessel sailed between Vancouver and San Francisco for close to twenty-five years before being retired. When Pitt boards her in Manila, he guesses her length at just under three hundred feet, with a forty-five-foot beam, and figures the vessel displaces between four and five thousand tons. Flies an Iranian flag. Powered by twin diesel turbine engines; her twin screws can push the ship past forty knots. For armaments, the vessel features sea-to-sea and sea-to-air missile launchers along with Harpoon surface-to-surface missiles and Mark 46 torpedoes. Owned by the covert intelligence corporation that helps Pitt search the S.S. United States.
Oregon's launch. A big, double-ender powered by a 539-cubic-inch, 1,500-horsepower engine.
Orion Lake. Lake on the Olympic Peninsula where Shang's compound is located. Shaped like a slender teardrop whose lower end gently tapers into a small river.
Orion River. Starts at Orion Lake. Runs sixteen miles through a canyon before emptying into the upper end of a fjord like inlet called Grapevine Bay. Grapevine Bay opens into the Pacific Ocean.
Paladin Self-Propelled Howitzer. Used by the Louisiana National Guard to attack the S.S. United States. Shoot a 155-millimeter high-explosive fragmentation shell.
Pecorelli, Harold. President Wallace's new chief of staff after Laird resigns.
Peking Man. Sinanthropus pekinensis. A very ancient and primitive man who walked upright on two feet. His skull was discovered in 1929 by Canadian anatomist Charles Black digging in a quarry that had once been a hill with limestone caves near the village of Choukoutien. In December 1941, when invading Japanese troops were closing in on Peking, officials at the Peking Union Medical College, where the bones were stored, decided they should be moved to a place of safety. The bones were packed in two Marine Corps footlockers and put aboard a train bound for the port city of Tientsin, where they were to be placed aboard the S.S. President Harrison, an American ship belonging to the American President Line. They never arrived. Recovered from the wreck of the Princess Dou Wan.
People's Republic Ministry of Internal Affairs. Obscure Chinese government agency that is involved in everything from foreign espionage of scientific technology to the international smuggling of immigrants to relieve population overcrowding.
Po, Li. Second mate on the Princess Dou Wan.
Princess Dou Wan. Carries the treasures ordered removed from China by Chiang Kai-shek. Launched in 1913 by shipbuilders Harland & Wolff. Gross tonnage of 10,758. Length of 497 feet with 60-foot beam. The ship had triple expansion engines that could generate 5,000 horsepower. Her twin screws could power her to seventeen knots. Her accommodations were designed to carry 55 first-class passengers, 85 second class and 370 third-class. She was normally crewed by 190 officers and men, but on her final voyage she was manned by only 38. Originally named Lanai.
Princess Yung Tai. Sister ship of the Princess Dou Wan. Launched into service the year after the Princess Dou Wan. According to records, the Princess Yung T'ai was broken up six months before the Princess Dou Wan was due to be scrapped.
Project Pacifica. Chinese government plan to split the United States into three countries. Pacifica would stretch from Alaska to San Francisco.
Qin Shang Maritime Limited. Shang-owned shipping company based in Hong Kong. Operates a fleet of more than a hundred cargo ships, oil tankers and cruise ships.
Qingdao, China. Port from which the Indigo Star left.
Reflecting Pool. 160-foot-long pool in Washington, D.C.that Pitt drives the Duesenberg through to elude Shang's assassins.
Rolls-Royce. Cabrillo borrows a 1955 Silver Dawn with Hooper coachwork and has Seng drive Pitt and Giordino to where the S.S. United States is docked for an inspection.
Romberg. Fish-eating bloodhound the Bayou Kid loans to Pitt and Giordino. Described as incredibly lazy with floppy ears. Enjoys sniffing.
Ross, Linda. Surveillance analyst on the Oregon. Had been chief fire-control officer on board a U.S. Navy Aegis guided-missile cruiser.
Russell, Arthur. Director of the INS's San Francisco office and Lee's boss. Described as gray-haired and reasonably trim from daily workouts.
SA-7 missile. Russian-made, man-portable infrared homing antiaircraft missile used by one of the Chinese Special Forces commandos on the S.S. United States to shoot down the helicopters.
San, Li. Guard at Shang's Orion Lake facility.
Sappho IV submersible. NUMA submersible Pitt and Giordino use for recovering artifacts from the Princess Dou Wan.
Sea Dog II. NUMA submersible used to survey the hull of the S.S. United States at Kwai Chung north of Kowloon. Has the appearance of a fat Siamese cigar with stubby wings on each side that curve to vertical on the tips. The twenty-three-foot long, eight-foot wide, 3,200-pound vehicle may look ungainly on the surface, but she dives with the grace of a baby whale. Three thrusters in the twin tail section impel water through the front intakes and expel it out the rear. Can dive to a depth of two thousand feet.
Sea Jasmine. Shang-designed submersible built as a backup to Sea Lotus.
Sea Lotus. Shang-designed submersible. Built at a company in France that specia@es in deep-undersea vehicles.
Selby, Norman. Colburn tells Pitt he is the real estate agent who sold Shang the old fish cannery he converted to his compound on Orion Lake.
Seng, Eddie. Part of the crew of the Oregon. Was the CIA's agent in Beijing for almost twenty years until he was forced to return to the United States and retire. Shot twice in the right arm when the Oregon attacks the Chengdo.
Shang, Qin. A Chinese shipping magnate who operates out of Hong Kong. Owns the compound on Orion Lake. Born on the same day in the same year as Pitt. President Wallace's chief fund-raiser in Asia. Described as tall for most Asian men at five feet, eleven inches. Heavy around the waist, chubby, he weighs 210 pounds. His black hair is thick and cut short with a part down the middle. His head and face are not round but narrow and almost feline, and match his long and slender hands. His mouth, oddly and deceptively, seems fixed in a permanent grin. His eyes are the color of the purest green jade. As an orphan, he begged on the streets of Kowloon across Victoria Harbor from the island of Hong Kong. By age ten, he had saved enough money to buy a sampan; two years later, he operated a fleet of ten. Before he was eighteen, he sold the sampans, bought an ancient intercoastal tramp steamer and built his fleet from there. Likes to drink American coffee with chicory. Owns an island near Hong Kong as well as a house in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Orders Pitt killed, but the assassins are foiled. Dies aboard the Sea Lotus on the site of the Princess Dou Wan when he encounters Pitt and Giordino.
Shanty boat. Also called camp boats. The Bayou Kid loans one to Pitt and Giordino to use. Described as broad and flat Iiie a barge. A square box atop the deck with windows and doors is the house. Inside is a wood-burning potbellied stove. The vessel is powered by a 427-cubic-inch Ford V-8 engine, with dual carburetors that produces close to 425 horsepower.
Sikorsky S-76 Eagle. Type of helicopter that attacks the S.S. United States.
Simmons, George. Assistant district director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service who meets the Chris-Craft when it reaches safety. A tall, jovial-looking man with twinkling eyes.
Sky fox Flying Boat. Built by Lockheed, the two-seater jet aircraft were originally designed as jet trainers. Modified by NUMA, the plane can make water landings, Has twin jet engines mounted on the fuselage behind the wings and cockpit.
Smith & Wesson First Response knife. Brand of knife Lee straps to her leg before going aboard the Sung Lien Star.
Smith, John. Fake identity assumed by Cabrillo when he picks up Pitt and Giordino at the Manila Airport. In disguise, he appears as a great slob of a man with a big belly. He has a hook nose that looks as if it has been broken a few times, and his lip and chin are covered with stubble. Has greasy black hair and yellow irregular teeth. His biceps and forearms are covered with tattoos. Pitt and Giordino see through the disguise.
Stephen Miller. Cargo ship that recovers a body in a life raft that came from the Princess Dou Wan.
Stewart, Frank. Captain of the Marine Denizen. Has brown hair cut short and slickly combed with a precision part on the right side. Slim and tall with deep set blue eyes. He is unmarried.
Stingray. Compact, battery-powered diver propulsion unit that Pitt uses on Orion Lake.
Stowe, Lieutenant Jefferson. Lieutenant on the Weehawken. Described as tanned, blond and tall, with the boyish good looks of a tennis instructor.
Straight, Tom. Bartender at Charlie's Fish dock, Seafood and Booze.
Sungari. Huge port facility built by Shang on Atchafalaya Bay near Morgan City, Louisiana. Covers two thousand miles and stretches over a mile on both sides of the Atchafalaya River. The area is dredged to an operational depth of thirty-two feet. The port consists of one million square feet of warehouse space, two grain elevators with loading slips, a six hundred-thousand-barrel-capacity liquid bulk terminal and three general-cargo-handling terminals that could load and unload twenty container ships at one time. The warehouses and office structures are constructed in the shape of pyramids and are covered by a gold galvanized material that blazes like fire when struck by the sun.
Swordfish. Laird's code name with the Secret Service.
T'ai, Ling. Fake identity assumed by Lee. T'ai is said to hail from Jiangsu Province, where she lived until age twenty and finished her studies. She then allegedly went to Canton and became a schoolteacher. Her father is said to be a professor of chemistry at Beijing University. Her great-grandfather was a Dutch missionary.
Tien, Yu. Captain of the Chengdo.
Ting, Quan. Chairman of China & Pacific Lines. A competitor of Shang's, Tsang explains that he will be taking over immigrant smuggling for the Chinese government. Shang has Ting and his wife killed in an auto accident.
Tsang, Yin. Chief director of the People's Republic Ministry of Internal Affairs. A short man with dense gray hair. His eyes bulge as they protrude from fleshy pouches. After Shang gives him drugged tea, he suffers a fatal heart attack.
Tsung. Helmsman on the Princess Dou Wan Turner, Colonel Bob. Commander of the battle group of Louisiana National Guardsmen who try to stop the S.S. United States. A veteran of the Gulf War.
Ultralights. Used by the Chinese to chase the ChrisCraft. Powered by a lightweight reduction-drive, 50 horsepower pusher engine. Pitt estimates their top speed as 120 miles an hour. The pilot sits forward out in the open with the passenger behind and slightly elevated.
Undergound Washington. A series of tunnels that connect the White House with the Supreme Court, Capitol Building, State Department, under the Potomac River to the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Virginia, and about a dozen other strategic government buildings and military bases around the city.
United States, S.S. Former cruise liner that was taken out of service and laid up in Norfolk, Virginia, for thirty years before being sold to a Turkish millionaire. Towed from Norfolk across the sea to the Mediterranean, past Istanbul and into the Black Sea to Sevastopol. On her maiden voyage, she set the speed record between New York and London, averaging thirty-five 510 knots knots or about forty-one miles an hour. The brainchild of famed ship designer William Francis Gibbs. Her keel was laid in 1950 by the Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock. In an effort to build the fastest and most beautiful passenger liner afloat, Gibbs specified aluminum wherever possible. From the 1.2 million rivets in her hull to the lifeboats and their oars, the stateroom furnishings, bathroom fixtures, babies' high chairs, even the coat hangers and picture frames, all had to be made from aluminum. A huge ship, she measures 990 feet with a beam of 101 feet. Her gross tonnage is 53,329. Designed to carry 694 passengers, the ship featured air conditioning, nineteen elevators, three libraries, two cinemas and a chapel. Powered by eight massive boilers creating superheated steam, her four Westinghouse-geared turbines could put out 240,000 horsepower or 60,000 for each of her four propeller shafts, and could drive her through the water at more than fifty miles an hour. In 1952, she won the prestigious Blue Riband, awarded for the fastest time across the Atlantic. No liner has won it since. By 1969, she was retired and laid up at Norfolk, Virginia, for thirty years. Her hull was painted black, her superstructure white and her two magnificent funnels red, white and blue. Used by Shang in an attempt to flood the Lower Mississippi River Basin.
Valparaiso, Chile. City where a radio operator reported a distress call from the Princess Dou Wan.
Wallace, Dean Cooper. President of the United States. Was vice president. A former two-term governor from Oklahoma. Sleeps three hours a night between four 511 and seven A.m. He looks sixty-five but is only in his late fifties. Has premature gray hair, red veins streaming through his facial skin and beady eyes that always look red. An intense man with a round face, low forehead and thin eyebrows.
Wan Tzu, Han. Fake identity Seng assumes when he delivers Pitt and Giordino to the dock where the S.S. United States is located. Wan-Tzu is said to be chief of dockside security.
Weekawkei. Coast Guard Cutter that drops Lee off on the Sung Lien Star.
Welland Canal. Canal that separates Lake Erie from Lake Ontario. Perlmutter finds the Princess Yung Tai passed through the canal on December 7, 1948.
Well, Chu. Second engineer on the Princess Dou Wan.
Wheeler, Doug. Old friend and neighbor of the Bayou Kid. Owner of Wheeler's Landing. A portly man with a thick mustache.
Wheiler's Landing. Where Pitt and Giordino pick up the Bayou Kid's shanty boat and buy supplies for their trip. Raised off the ground on short pilings, has a long porch that runs around the building. The walls are painted a bright green with yellow shutters framing the windows.
Wiay, Hui. Former Nationalist Chinese Army colonel. Now lives in Taipei. Fought against the Communists until forced to flee to Formosa (now Taiwan). Ninety 512 two years old, but his mind is still sharp. Perlmutter contacts him, and he discloses that he followed Chiang Kai-shek's orders, rounded up artwork and delivered it to the Shanghai docks and an old passenger liner commanded by Hui.
Willbanks, Ralph. One of the crew of the Divercity. Described as a big, jolly man in his early forties with expansive brown eyes and a bristling mustache.
Wong, Ki. Chief enforcer on the Indigo Star. A thin, neatly attired man. Has a smooth brown face that is intelligent but expressionless. Has narrow lips. Discloses to Lee that he knows she is not T'ai and sentences her to die. Later captures Lee at Bartholomeaux Sugar but is shot and killed by Giordino.
XM4 command-and-control vehicle. Location where Turner directs fire onto the S.S. United States.
Yokohama Ship Sales & Scrap Company. Based in Japan, the front company Shang uses to purchase his competitors' ships so his shipping company could grow.
Zhong, So. Shang's private secretary. Moves with the grace of a Balinese dancing girl.